MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Joanna Newsom - Out of the ordinary

Joanna Newsom - Out of the ordinary

On David Letterman performing 'On A Good Day'

A true artist...


i bought ys back when it received a fair bit of acclaim, & also because she was associated with bill callahan for a spell if i remember correctly - i'm a huge callahan/smog fan.

i liked it quite a bit, but i did find its mood of preciousness wore a bit thin with me fairly quickly.

i'm glad you like her, though.


My favourite album of hers is her first 'The Milk Eyed Mender' which is pure magic. I'd have to agree though that some of her later stuff including 'Ys' makes me question her grip on sanity. But you know what they say about genius and madness...


i'll give it a try. music's been dead to me for a little spell, but i've found myself getting a bit back into things & am definitely looking for some new sounds.

thanks for the heads up.


You're welcome. Joanna Newsom's 'The Milk Eyed Mender' reminds me of Joni Mitchell to an extent. It is a unique album and like Mitchell Newsom was an only child and her parents didn't allow her to watch television so she was thrown back into her own imagination. Another one off so to speak.


That was very good, not really my type of music but quite good

She was pretty with a nice voice

I liked seeing how she fingered the Harp...she made that look easy and i'm certain the Harp is not easy
I'm amazed that people can play those things...they look ungainly and huge


Yep. You wouldn't want to drop that big bastard on your toe !


I'm not even sure how they move those things
The Harp is like a piece of furniture


I saw a hilarious little home video of Joanna running after some guy's car yelling out "It isn't secure...!" Her harp was tied onto this guy's roof rack and he just kept on going, leaving her standing there with her O face in her hands. That harp cost around $80,000 and these were her earlier days. Oh the humanity...!


Wow...i would freak out too

I think i'll stick with the Kazoo👍


Lead tambourine for me, in the rhythmless section...


'I got a fever...and the only solution is more cowbell'


Yeah, I look at her and all I can think is Harpo Marx.



LMAO over here, Quasi! You need to get a job as a joke writer if you're not already doing that.






It's a matter of taste.


Yes it is, and obviously mine is radically different from Quasi's.

