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What did you watch on this week Jelly bean?(05/06-05/12)

Good day to you my faithful follower. Together we shall make this world a better place.

My week:

Mother! (2017 DVD): ‘’ A couple's relationship is tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home, disrupting their tranquil existence.’’ This movie is from my favorite director, it has an actor I love and an actress that I rarely enjoy. I liked Lawrence in American Hustle and Silver linings but I never thought I would enjoy a 2h movie that mostly consists of a camera following her in a house. Mother! is like a bad dream. Mother! is like a great nightmare. I watched it on Monday night and at the end I was like: ’’this was a crazy ride and I enjoyed it but WTF just happened!?’’ I figured a few symbols out but then I read the entire meaning of the film on the internet and it just made me love it more. Then, the day after, I watched it again! That almost never happens. If I had one critic; turn the lights off because it’s dark. Fun fact: there is no soundtrack whatsoever. My rating: 8.5-9/10

Mayhem (2017 DVD): ‘’ A virus spreads through an office complex causing white collar workers to act out their worst impulses.’’ This one never reaches its full potential, not even half of it, sadly. The actors are doing a good job but the script, the cinematography and the overall experience was too weak to be worth the time and money invested. 5/10

An American Experience: Tesla (2016 Netflix): ‘’ Meet Nikola Tesla, the genius engineer and tireless inventor whose technology revolutionized the electrical age of the 20th century. Although eclipsed in fame by Edison and Marconi, it was Tesla's vision that paved the way for today's wireless world. His fertile but undisciplined imagination was the source of his genius but also his downfall, as the image of Tesla as a mad scientist came to overshadow his reputation as a brilliant innovator.’’ 7/10

Planes: Fire and Rescue (2014 Netflix): “ When Dusty learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he joins a forest fire and rescue unit to be trained as a firefighter, or else his air strip will be shut down.” Some scenes are good but it mostly feels like a TV show for children. 5.5/10


Hey Stone
I only saw was pretty good

Alien Space Avenger (89) i saw it at an area horror movie marathon and got to shake hands with the director, Richard Haines...nice fella and he even brought along props from the film...a spaceship, an alien mask, etc..very cool
He directed Splatter University and Class of Nuke 'em High as well

Fear the Walking Dead-im really enjoying it but i get that a lot of fans have bounced
Im gonna stick with it

Creature (85) One of the worst and most boring Alien ripoffs
Really tough to sit through
Give it a skip...its not even funny-bad

Sorry not much to offer StoneMan
Busy of late

Thanks bud!


Hey, always nice to have you around Shogy.

Only you can bring under-the-radar horror movies to the table with such a fashionable manner.



World War II in Color (2009 series, UK)
Self-explanatory. Documentary series about WWII with colorized footage. It was a mixed bag. I've seen better WWII documentaries. I noticed they recycled some of the footage for use over and over again; for instance I counted the same clip of a Soviet tank rolling past some infantrymen at least three different times. Sound effects as well; I notice the same audio clip of people yelling used like a hundred times. Seems kind of lazy. The narration left a lot to be desired as well; I've never liked the narrators in these kinds of programs. The basic historical facts are interesting, but you can get those anywhere, and I didn't like how it was presented in this one. In particular the way the show consistently tried to paint the Soviet Union in the worst possible light really got on my nerves. I watched the rest of this on May 9, the anniversary of Germany's surrender. The war wouldn't have been won without the USSR. There really wasn't anything new about this series other than the colorized footage. 5/10.

La Casa de Papel ("House of Paper") (2017 series, Spain)
I haven't finished this one yet, so no rating. But I like it quite a bit so far. A bunch of career criminals, each with their own specialty, takes over the royal mint of Spain and takes some dozens of people hostage, and begin printing millions of euros. The police set up camp outside the building but every action they take is thwarted. The criminals are led by a mastermind called the Professor. It's a very clever series. By the way, although the Spanish title is "House of Paper", the official English title is "Money Heist", which I think is unimaginative to the point of downright dumb.



Haven't seen yours.

Any plans on watching Mother! ?


I might, but it's not on my list. Everyone I've seen talking about it (apart from your post) seemed to feel it was overrated. I like Jennifer Lawrence though. So I may check it out.

Oh, by the way, I have seen one of the movies you listed in last week's thread, but forgot to comment on it at the time. Bridge on the River Kwai. I thought that was a very well-made film, but kind of... odd. The idea that the British would so eagerly throw themselves into building a bridge for the Japanese was strange. The main character's aristocratic pomposity was very off-putting to me, though I suppose it was historically accurate, as British officers were like that. And the notion, expressed in the film, that the Japanese can't figure out how to build a bridge and it needed to be not only built but designed by European POWs in order for it to be good, was frankly racist in addition to historically inaccurate. And finally the sheer brutality that went on there in real life seemed very downplayed, though I guess that's not surprising in a 1950s film when movies tried to steer away from very graphic content. But apart from those things, it was an entertaining enough film if one doesn't think too much about it. I do enjoy those three-hour epics that were so popular in those days.


I see what you mean but I found the motive for his action to be beleivable. (he wanted his troops to be proud and keep their moral intact as much as possible).

As for the Japanese failing at building a bridge, now that you make me think about it, it's actually a bit racist indeed.

thanks for your input Kawa


The Witches of Eastwick (1987) - 8/10

Fun flick. This is the kinda movie that could have only been made in the 80's. The sorta high-concept, zero fucks given, zany fantasy comedy embodied by films such as Weird Science and Teen Wolf. This movie isn't exactly a storytelling masterpiece, as the third act does rely more on spectacle and special effects as opposed to any sort of story cohesion, and in general, the whole thing does stretch the rules of logic quite a bit for the sake of comedy. However, what makes this movie work are its four leads. Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, and Michelle Pfeiffer are all excellent here. Nicholson is simply hilarious as the horny, silver-tongued devil here, and the film uses the whole conceit of him using his supernatural powers to seduce our three leads rather inventively. John Williams'score is also perhaps one of his most underrated. Overall, it's a good, fun movie.

Black Christmas (1974) - 10/10

I was shocked how well this film has held up. Honestly, I prefer this film over Halloween. What works about it is its sheer simplicity and atmosphere. The film provides virtually no explanation for who or what the killer is, and yet, through its bleak atmosphere and unnerving cinematography, the film creates a more disturbing tone than even the most graphic of slashers. The characters are also unusually grounded and realistic for this kinda movie. Usually, these movies resort to cheap, over-the-top caricatures and yet, the characters in this all felt quite real and grounded. There's also a sly undercurrent of dark humor throughout that is quite effective. All-around, great movie.


hum, never heard of these movies. Thanks for the recommendations.


Those are both excellent movies, Black Christmas is one of the earliest slasher films. Halloween took a lot of cues from it, and it has great showings from young Margot Kidder and Olivia Hussey.


Rewatched The Flash 2014 entire series - 8/10
Cat People 1982 - 7/10
The Bone Collector 1999 - 7/10
48 Hrs 1982 - 6/10
Fallen 1998 - 6/10
Festival Express 2003 - 9/10
Scanners 1981 - 8/10


The bone collector: 7/10
48hrs 6/10
Fallen: 7/10

Scanners been too long but I saw Videodrome recently.


Videodrome is so freaking weird. They all are really but Cronenberg is one of my favorite directors. Naked Lunch is very close to my favorite film of all time.


Need to rewatch that one too!
