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What did you watch this week ombres? (11/19-11/25)

Pretty good week for moi!

Here it is:

Samsara (2011 Blu-ray): “Filmed over nearly five years in twenty-five countries on five continents, and shot on seventy-millimetre film, Samsara transports us to the varied worlds of sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial complexes, and natural wonders.” I never saw Koyaanisqatsi nor Baraka but when I had the chance to get this movie I jumped on it. I found many scenes hard to watch and many scenes were wonderful. All the stare-offs were making me uncomfortable and I often asked myself “WTF is this I’m seeing?” I was not always fond of the music but it works to hypnotize and put you in a trance-like state. It was a unique and memorable experience. 7-7.5/10

Split (2016 Blu-ray): “Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diagnosed 23 distinct personalities. They must try to escape before the apparent emergence of a frightful new 24th.” It was a good thriller with a great final act. I loved the last 30 minutes, although I didn’t get the last scene about Mr Glass (Bruce W.) If someone can explain it to me I would appreciate it. 7.5/10

Baby Driver (2017 DVD): I love most of Edgar Wright’s movies but I only liked this one. The only reason I can see why critics are praising this action flick is the fact that the movie lives hand-in-hand with its soundtrack. Even the gunshots are in tune with the songs. I barely knew any of the songs playing (and I listen to a lot of different types of music) and not many of them seemed really great. Then there is the acting; it’s very average. There are two Oscar winners in the movie and they both do a mediocre job. Did I enjoy it? Yes, it was fun. Does it deserve all the 9’s and 10’s? I don’t think so. My rating: 7/10

Whiplash (2014 DVD): Again, this was a good film but really not my type of music. Since the story is highly concentrated on the music aspect, there is very little plot development so if you don’t particularly enjoy Jazz, all you’re left with is an interesting relationship between the teacher and the student and an amazing grand finale. That, plus some good acting and solid directing made this a thumbs up. 7/10

Les trois frères (1995 Youtube): “Three half-brothers are reunited at their mother's funeral. After being told of their inheritance they quickly spend the money, only to find out that they will not receive it after all. The men grow closer while deciding how to proceed.’’ This film is clever, well-acted and funny. I came across it by accident and Im so glad I watched it. I recommend you look it up, it has good reviews. It simply holds all the ingredients to make a great French comedy. 7.5-8/10


Episodes four, five and six of the HBO mini series "The Night Of". It's really good, and is rated 8.6 on IMDB.
You should check it out.



" is rated 8.6 on IMDB"

I told you that in the other post. :)

Yeah' i'll try to watch it thats for sure


It's very good. I'm eagerly awaiting the disc with the final two episodes.

