MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Best 1970s Movies Ever!

Best 1970s Movies Ever!

Doesn't have to be popular, can be from any country... Just as long as it's great!

In order...

Harry and Tonto
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Harold and Maude
Annie Hall
Taxi Driver
The Conversation
A Clockwork Orange
Dog Day Afternoon
Five Easy Pieces
Last Tango In Paris
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Next Stop Greenwich Village
Opening Night
Lies My Father Told Me
The Godfather I and II
Barry Lyndon
A Special Day
The Working-Class Goes To Heaven
The Deer Hunter
Paper Moon
Alice In The Cities
The Getaway
Love Story
Apocalypse Now
Norma Rae
I Never Sang For My Father
My Brilliant Career


I just finished watching a Gene Hackman movie called "Night Moves" that is as '70s as it gets. Also featuring a young James Woods and a very young and nubile Melanie Griffith, it is so '70s there is even a fondue scene.

The middle portion of this movie, on its own, would be one of my favorites of that decade and even of all time. Only problem is that the first part of the movie is just a serviceable Jim Rockford story; and the last act is a melodramtic and violent pile of nonsense, alas.

So my actual favorites of the '70s are:

The Godfather, Part II
The Parallax View
The Godfather
The Conversation
A Clockwork Orange
The Mother and the Whore
Annie Hall
Dersu Uzala
Apocalypse Now

That is 11 films, not a nice clean Top Ten (although some people would have combined the Godfather films), because (1) I didn't want anyone to wonder how the hell I could leave out Apocalypse Now, and (2) those are all the '70s films that are in my overall Top 100.

More from the list here:
