MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which actors annoy you the most or if mo...

Which actors annoy you the most or if most, perhaps i should ask which actors can you tolerate? Lol

There are so many narcissistic american actors that i refuse to watch. I thought it would be fun to see who you cannot stand. Who will you simply not watch?


Mélanie Laurent is plain bad, she sucks the life out of every movie I see her in. At least it's not a lot.


That is who you come up with?!!!
Julia roberts neighhhh
Sara jessica parker "ditto"
Beyonce-average and no talent narcissist
Nia long manface narcissist
Clare danes
Kerry washingto so much plastic surgery her mouth is deformed she can'tspeak correctly
Julianne nicholsen
Gwenyth paltrow
Jared leto
Maggie gyllenhall
Keira knightly
Meryl streep
Jennifer garner
Reese fryi v pan face witherspoon
Ben pseudo intellectual lowlife boston shanty irish affleck who i would love to kick in the face
Justin talentless timberlake
Ashton idiot kutcher
Matt racist boston southie damon
The American actresses i like are Amy Adams, jennifer lawrence-beautiful and intelligent , hilary swank, abigail breslin-adorable, emmy rostrum-so cute, Taraji p. Henson, alison janey and octavia spencer-so funny love her. and older american actress glenn close the most un derrated actress she should have won all of meryl's oscars. But she's no t a media whore. I love Jason Gordon Levitt.
Seriously you need to look again.


Pretty long list but I'll try, Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen, Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mark Wahlberg, Julia Roberts, Will Smith, Cameron Diaz, Adam Sandler (later movies), Ben Affleck, Jack Black, David Spade, Tori Spelling, Sarah Jessica Parker, Reese Witherspoon, Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, Andy Dick, Tom Green, David Caruso, Jamie Kennedy, Kevin James, Seth Rogen, Justin Timberlake


Wow, you are awesome!!!! Thank you!


I agree with almost all of your choices but tom Green makes me almost pee in my pants laughing so hard.


Who is jamie kennedy?


A really bad actor, can't believe he dated Jennifer Love Hewitt.


Lol, glad idon't know him, Earl.


I see how Tom Green could annoy people but I think he's hysterical too. Freddy Got Fingered is one of my favorites.

I only have one name on my "avoid" list -- Miles Teller. Very punchable face.


Need to google him. Brb


Never saw the dude in my life. He looks like shia lebouef.


I never saw freddie got fingered but i loved his mtv show except for when he drank from the cow teet-that was so abusive to the cow! And just plain perverse otherwise, i was dying laughing at all his "innocent" encounters with people getting so pissed off. Like when he said, "i just want to put my face here" on a new york city bus! It was hilarious! And he said at a softball game"i always wanted to play softball"and these stupid jocks were screaming at him. That's classic:"i always wanted to play softball". Lol!
Also when he entered a store with a goat and when he was at a baseball game and the announcers threw him out and of course the "slutmobile" omg his father was hilarious! I love canadian humor.


The one actor on this list that stands out to me is David Caruso with his portrayal of Horatio Kane in CSI: Miami . In the early episodes he appeared natural, credible. But it seemed as if during each following season he displayed more of the narcissism the OP alluded to , e.g. the double layers of dark clothing in that Miami heat when everyone else is in skimpy attire, his weird posturing, posing when delivering dialogue, his measured delivery of said dialogue for obvious dramatic effect and then finally, that overrated prop.....those damn sunglasses!


Lol! I was laughing so hard with my friends in Spain we would watch it just to laugh. And that "csi" with stilleto heels-so stupid!!!!
