grey's anatomy

I'm on season 5 of Grey's Anatomy and have a question or two. Do the episodes continue to get stupider or do they finally make sense. Izzy's Ghost. interns operating on each other and dumb sex affairs? How did this show manage to last as long as it did?


I stopped somewhere after where you are but I always wanted to go back and catch up. I think it did get bad at some points, but I also heard it improved after the rough parts. A lot of important spoilers happen so you may not want to investigate too hard, or someone's going to accidentally say something. Unless of course, you don't care about those.

It's lasted long because its ratings are still good. Not like they were at the beginning... but relative to other shows it still performs well.


Grey's Anatomy is still on? I remember my ex-girlfriend loved it back in the day and I watched a few episodes with her, but it wasn't really my thing. I seriously thought it ended years ago. Sorry this didn't really help you with your question.
