MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So Ben will be on here with 656454 socks...




Ben is being dealt with. If you see him resurface, please report his posts and we'll get to it as soon as possible.


Someone suggested that newcomers should have to post a certain amount of comments on the movies/tv boards before they can post on the main boards.



Ah I don't know, this seems pretty radical.
Why not letting them answer to any thread from day one and allow them to post a thread day+15? (In mean on the general board, movie/show boards are fine IMO)

This system works on most subreddits.


I think both of those sound a little extreme. If they need a certain post count, they'll just spam until they reach it. If they need to wait a certain amount of time, some might give up.


I agree, Leia. All they'll do is spam boards until they reach whatever posting quota is required.


I also think new users they should be allowed to say "Hello!" and such on the General Boards on day one. That would be a shame to block off new and excited users just finding this place.

In my opinion, what would be better would be to limit the amount of *threads* that can be made by a user (perhaps only 2-3 threads in a 48 hour period, or something like that?). That should be enough to let people ask their urgent questions if they have them. But it should also slow down potential attention-seeking trolls who always go nuts with their inane thread-making when they know they can get away with it.

Regular users don't really make that many threads anyways. They are more than happy to contribute to discussions by making more posts than threads. It's the crazy "Joe" users out there we need to control (and Ben and the other socks) who want to make 10-15 threads a day, polluting the place.


That might actually work. Perhaps slowly increase the limit over time or something.

EDIT: I just looked at my profile, and the most threads I've posted in a day is 3. I think that's a fair amount to start off with as a limit.


Yup, that's a good idea. So that way regular established users (who don't cause problems) earn more posting privileges, but by *slowly* increasing it, you still curb trolls from spamming.

They may think "If I can get to 500 posts, I'll get to post more threads!!" and spam away. But if the thread increase is minimal, they are just going to give up their spammy game, which is great for us users.

As Jim said, we welcome free speech and all sorts of discussions, but spamming and disruptive trolls will not be tolerated!


Yeah. And maybe only increase it if they post somewhat regularly without getting reported. If that can be tracked, anyway.


Ben is Back


Can you tell me what i have done that you want me gone? Who has fed you BS against me? If you start listening to these people, next they will start telling you which users they hate to be banned, and slowly but surely, just like imdb2, this place will ultimately be deserted. Please don't kill this site by listening to a clique of 10-20 users who will not allow other users here. This site will die. After i stopped posting for the last 5-10 days, people told me that not many people are posting anymore. Only the clique of 10-20 users were posting. They can create their own safe space on some proboard. I bet many of them are from rival sites who want to kill this site. The decision to make you a moderator has already resulted in decrease in activity. I was fearing this. It is such a shame that this beautiful site will go to waste because of cliquish users and their lapdogs such as yourself.

To Jim,

I would advise you to de-mod such moderators. The website has already experienced decrease in activity because of your insane decision to make human moderators in this day and age ( etc.). There are plenty of movie forums out there with limited userbase and their size never increases but only decreases because of such cliques and moderators who are part of such cliques.

But if you keep on listening to these people and keep banning contributing users like me, you should know that there are other sites out there. Sites like, TMDb, imdbarchive and others....

