MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Whenever i eat i feel guilty

Does the guilt cause you to change your behaviour or do anything differently?
Guilt has a useful function if it prods you to change or improve something, but guilt without any change or action is pointless.


Since the poster's name is Troll, I assume it's a lie anyway... Not gonna risk clicking on the link, either.

But, OP, if this isn't a lie or a trick, you should really talk to someone about this. Eating is a necessary part of life. When people starve, it's a tragedy that should be able to be averted in our modern society, but unfortunately it still happens.


Definitely do not click


You don't need to click it. The text tells you what it is.
Pictures of starving African kids.
So the guilt is not from an eating disorder, it is the guilt of privilege. (having food when so many do not)
It is good to be aware of your own privilege.
But just the guilt alone is not going to help the starving kids. They cannot eat your guilt. Unless guilt spurs you to action, it's pointless.


Ah. That would make sense. I tried to kinda refer to both possibilities in my post. Guilt can be a catalyst to action, but it shouldn't paralyze one into starving themself.


Starving yourself won't put that food into the mouth of an African child.


I know. I wasn't implying that; sorry if it came off that way. I meant that if people aren't aware of the problem, they definitely won't do anything.


Donating to the poor doesn't help. The money either goes to the corrupt or the infrastructure is not set for the poor starving people. These charities only feed the starving once a while. These people are left to starve for the next days of their lives after the charities leave. Even if you teach them how to grow food and even fund them all the stuff necessary, these people start eating seeds instead of growing those seeds into edible constructs for the stomach brain

It's a mess !

We need these charities to do proper investment providing them jobs and long term benefits.


Mmhm. I agree that some charities don't do as much as they should, but some are more trustworthy. It's all about solidarity and working together. Not sure about the eating seeds part, though; I think they're smarter than that.


Like i said, charities only feed them once a while. We need permanent long term charities and proper investment. The chinese are doing it and i guess they are better than selfish western governments? The western government in turn accuses the chinese of exploiting the africans and their resources. I don't see these democratic capitalist governments and the private corporations helping the poor. They only care about themselves and profits.


You are mixing up famine and poverty. they are completely different things.
When there is simply no food , due to a famine (such as caused by a drought), then the problem is not solved by teaching job skills.
In a more industrialized country, where food is available but some people just can't afford it, then job skills is one right approach, but people do still need to eat while they are learning, too. You need to address both short term and long term needs.


I am not mixing anything. Stop being an arrogant jerk.


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