MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Email i just sent to Jim

Email i just sent to Jim

Catbookss is a troll doxxer who posted my email.

Ben Caesar <>
To [email protected]

Be careful who you make mods. They want to destroy your site like imdb2

[–] Catbookss (596) 10 days ago

AFAIK, BenCaesar's email is [email protected]. That's what I've been told anyway. No idea if he'd be interested in being interviewed as a legendary troll or not. Ask him.

napsdufroid is its sock too. It runs imdb2 proboard.


I can't say for sure about napsdufroid but he does try and support Catbookss in his campaign to being about "Common sense" even though he doxed you openly and for no reason that I can tell.

On any "Normal" board that would be an insta-ban for life with the post removed to protect your privacy.


I am here to discuss movies man. What tf are these people harassing me for no reason? They will harass you too. The only reason why i am interacting with them is to make sure such people don't ruin this site by becoming moderators or something. I am sure you are doing it for the same reasons. Totally ignorable trolls.


They say they want to stay away from sites which are over moderated and yet they are insisting upon something they call "Common Sense" to be used here as a means of keeping civility. Not only is Catbookss a proven racist but now they've been shown to be a doxxer.

I 'm generally against moderation and prefer communities to police themselves but it is clear that certain entities here want to burn this place down and rule over it with their fascist, and highly bigoted, views as the law.

Not happening on my watch, no sirree.


I think its a conspiracy by IMDb2 owner (owner of these troll socks) to bring down this site.


I wouldn't rule anything out at this juncture.


"Not only is Catbookss a proven racist "

Oh wait, are you back to accusing me of being a racist again, and not even a "casual racist" this time? You said several times you knew I wasn't a racist, then that you did think so, then back to I wasn't (when someone else called you on it), then back to I was, then I wasn't, and now you're saying I am again? And all because you wanted to deflect from my point about "calling a spade a spade" (i.e., to dumb things down for you: it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, quacks like a duck; ergo, it's in all likelihood a duck -- or does this have objectionable duckist connotations?).


Goodbye troll doxxer


You keep your racist fingers away from the keyboard when you are referring to me boy.

You hear?

Shit just escalated and so it's time for you to say goodbye to your "Friends" and leave without ever coming back again.

You want to call someone a spade, dox people and tell them how to post on these free speech boards?

You're trippin' and I'm looking to end your corrupt ass as soon as possible. I don't know where it ends with people like you and I don't want to. Sick pervert bastard cunt!


Too funny! Napsdufroid didn't doxx anyone, nor did I. I made up that email address as a joke, because BenCaesar actually did doxx someone with an AOL account -- as far as I remember, it was purportedly the owner of IMDB2's email -- making fun of them for having said email account. It was a joke, son.

Still want to insta-ban? ;)


You will get banned for trolling and doxxing, and trying to bring down this site


You're delusional if you think anyone will ban Catbooks and keep you instead. It would be a poor trade indeed.



Yeah poor Ben... only his 200 socks to keep him company. 😭


Hey I'm not defending a racist fascist like you Catbookss.

Perhaps if you'd been a little easier on the trolling me all day and open to change and all the other MAJOR character flaws fuckers like you are filled with then perhaps it would be different.

But I KNOW its going to be kiddie porn next isn't it. Corrupt fascist fuckers like you really grind my gears with your preachy do as I say but not as I do.

I can't condone whatever your next horrid acts are going to be, rape, snuff, gore or whatever else fills a mind like yours Catbookss, take you "Humour" and your "Common sense" and fuck right off with both of them to that forum where you couldn't post a thread unless you were a moderator which you didn't like because it was overly moderated (And no doubt stopped your criminal activities in their tracks unlike here).


hear hear


You do realize all I do is laugh at your trolly comments at this point? Not that I bother to read the whole things, because, well, obvious reasons.

Swearing again, and posting god knows how many replies to me, just in the past hour alone. (Anyone can check this for truthfulness you know, you and your sock BenCaesar's posting history, even if you try to delete to cover your tracks; too bad for you ;)

I doubt you're going to be amongst us for much longer. Again, enjoy while you still can. But what are you going to do with all that spare time when you're no longer able to incessantly post on either MC or IMDB2? Maybe something constructive for a change instead of destructive? Doubtful, but hey, it ain't over until it's over. You're probably still young enough so you've got a ways to go.


ignored forever.


Bye doxxer. Use the ignore feature and perhaps you'll get away with this terrible breach of online etiquette by posting someone's personal email details to the public without any permission.

Use the option, you've been promising you would all day long.



I noticed it today


No, it's not his real email address. I made it up as a joke. He'd just been making fun of someone else for having an AOL address (not cool enough), so I knew he didn't have one.

Of course he noticed it before today. Trolls b trolls, always wanting to stir the pot when they think it might be in their interest.

Google "BenCaesar troll." You'll see. Posts about him trolling go back to at least 2014, maybe longer. I didn't spend much time searching it.



Nobody's sending him newsletters, either. benceaser was one of the most hated trolls on IMDB. He got kicked off imdb2, and now he's trying to infest this site with his socks



Trolls are responding and i have them all on ignore. They will not stop lying about me.
