
Someone asked what the rules are, How about common sense?


No such thing as common sense when we don't even have a policy about the written language which we should be using here.

The world is a big place and what is perfectly common in one part of it can be seen as woefully wrong in another.


We don't need that proboard debacle repeated here. Moderators there are banning every1 they don't like or think that they are breaking some rules when those users were members of IMDb boards for decades!


Hi Wheelin,

That's what Jim originally proposed as a rule or guiding principle. Which would have worked just fine with the vast majority, until MC began to become more popular and more active. And, therefore, increasingly troll-ridden. Those people are completely uninterested in common sense, or rules of any sort; only in getting attention, and ensuring they'll be able to carry on doing the same thing here as they did on IMDB.


Because IMDB was so bad that you came here looking to get away from it completely Catbookss?


tumblr/reddit user


Lol yes IMDb was such a troll infested place. What a horrible place it was. She belongs on IMDb2. She should be happy there.


Common sense is good, but it is not very common


A few rules to adopt

1. No socks. If you can't express yourself in one account, you don't need to express it. Everyone knows why they are used and for what purpose

2. Doxing won't be tolerated.

3. No name calling. Giving an opinion is fine, but name calling only leads to trouble.

4. No ganging up. Friendships happen on sites. Unavoidable. But if you aren't involved in a fight stay out or be considered as part of the problem. Excluding if one is a troll causing the trouble with a user. But that is what report is for to be reviewed and a descision made.


"2. Doxing won't be tolerated.

3. No name calling. Giving an opinion is fine, but name calling only leads to trouble."

Already happening against me.

"No ganging up"

This too. Some people have ganged up against me. sad.


People who want to be moderators no less Ben, there really is something rotten in the state of Denmark.


One user just said "Be cautious" to a user replying to me. What tf is this?


I'm guessing it is the code term used by a secret gang of trolls to signal their intentions to each other.


I guess i should start doing the same. Go after users who are stalking my posts and tell other users to be cautious of them.


Don't reward their behaviours by doing the same, just point out to Jim and his moderation team (Once selected) that this behaviour has been used against you. They should be able to take it from there and apply whatever conditions they feel are reasonable and consistent across all members for such posts.


Once again the voice of reason Wilson


If you're talking about me, last thing I'd do is stalk your posts, LOL! Why would I? That's absurd. You do realize there's the Trending area for new threads or posts that people commonly watch and post on, don't you?

Why would you assume my post was about you? … Unless you have reason to be paranoid about people warning others about you.


I am not the one who commented "Be cautious" to a user responding to me. Where's the ignore button jim? I am sick of trolls already


Again, Trending. Or are you unaware of that area or too paranoid and/or full of yourself to consider that not everything is about you. (Rhetorical.)


I would advise people to avoid users who deliberately try to antagonize a feel good site and try to enforce their rules upon others.


Yeah, I can go for that! But what troll has any? 😉


Oh yeah.  People know what common sense is. Don't be fooled. Some are unmannerly all the time and don't care.
