MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What movies did you watch las week (02/2...

What movies did you watch las week (02/26/17-03/05/17)

I am going to start this thread on this site before someone else does it. Hopefully it will catch on.

So yeah, just comment on the movies I watched and I will do the same for each and everyone. Cheers!


Central intelligence (2015 bluray): More of a disappointment than anything. It's not a bad comedy per say but there is not a lot of "laugh out loud" moments. A convenient plot that lacks originally and…intelligence. The action scenes or rather poor too. At least I like the actors...5.5/10

Extract(DVD): From my memories of the first time I saw this I remembered it being original and funny. As I re-watched it, I realized it was original, okay, i'll give it that, but funny? Not really. Good actors with okay performances. Good story with okay dialogue. T'was good the first time, okay on rewatch. 6/10

TMNT: Out of the shadows (2016 Netflix): The first 30 minutes was very bad and if it was not for the fact that I'm a loyal fan (and that my three-year-old was there too), I would've turn it off. Fortunately, it got a little better once Casey came into the picture and the story became a bit less boring. There was a lot of references to the original story which was a good idea but still, the new movies have nothing against the older ones. I don't know if it's just me but it seems like they soften the face features of the turtles so they look a bit more friendly. Another good idea. The plane crash scene was a lot of fun and the graphics were impressive. 5.5/10

Ice age 5: Collision Course (2016 Netflix): Is it starting to be redundant? Maybe. Is it a bad movie? Probably not. Was the story original? I don't really think so. Did I have fun? For sure. Do I have anymore questions? No. 6.5/10

Les Seigneurs (2012 DVD): "A washed-up footballer turned alcoholic and living in Brittany enlists his old teammates to help the local fisherman to win some games in order to raise money and save jobs." A solid feel-good and festive French movie this is. Amazing cast that was well used. Very funny but also relatable. The main actor looked so much like Robert Downey Junior it was almost distracting. As good as a soccer movie can get. 8/10

Kids (1995 DVD): A very crude and convincing depiction of a summer in teenagers's life. It almost feels like a documentary. A very interesting and intimate one. The main male character is not a bad actor but he sort of annoyed me. It's the only thing that bothered me with the movie, everything else was great. 9/10

It's always sunny in Philadelphia season 9 (DVD): The madness goes on, for worst or better. Still love it. Overall: 8/10


I just finished up watching 3% on Netflix last night. Binge watched the entire series over the weekend.

If you like The 100, the movie Exam, or similar genres that involve a test among candidates, you'll love 3% (warning: it's filmed in Spanish, but dubbed in English for Netflix and the dubbing is horrendous)


Manchester by the sea
Get Out

TV shows:
Bates Motel
The Walking Dead
season 3 of Ripper Street


Two days behind, but we need a new thread for this week.


What do you mean?


Oh wait, nvm. We are still on this week. So this next Sunday, you will probably have a thread that says "What movies did you watch last week (03/05/17-03/11/17)?"


A big fan of Top Secret...the pre-bloated Val Kilmer.


I really like the humor in it. A big surprise for me.


Me and my son (13) went overboard last week. I introduced him to many great 80s/early 90s classics such as Naked Gun trilogy, Top Secret, UHF, Airplane, Coming to America, Golden Child, Hot Shots Duology, Police Academy 1 - 7, Goonies etc. Seeing that most of them are barely 80 minutes long it was easy to rush through them. Love that old-style silly humor and all that non-PC nonsense :)

Tip: Check out Andy's panties in Goonies, my oh my. Never realized that as a kid myself ;)


It's funny because last year I saw a few of those for the first time:

Top Secret: Loved it and laughed a lot! 8/10
Coming to america: Had seen it before but remember nothing about it. So it was like the first time. Very good movie. 7.5/10 (like it way more than trading places)
Goonies: It was fun and the kids were great. 7/10
