

I've already seen it and it looks great, but too bad it came to the post-IMDb scene too late, when people have already picked their replacement sites. The owner shouldn't give up though.

It's interesting that this site also has the Chrome extension which inserts the latest threads into every IMDb page.


That site has archived more films threads than this site so I have bookmarked it because of that. The site owner might have problems getting it fully active though.


But what good does that do when those account names are not connected to the users' email addresses. It definitely has topics that can be reopened, however, it will never be the same, when not being able to converse with those people.


Someone posted the link here the other day and I bookmarked it. It's great in that the Admin managed to archive practically every thread from IMDB, or at least most of the one's that I looked up. Hardly any activity at the moment, but any time I want to look up any of my favorite old threads I'll head over there if I can't find it here.
