MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > how many movies are there in this world?

how many movies are there in this world?

i like to know


how many grains of sand on the beach?
There are so many movies made that never get shown or distributes. And only a small fraction of movies from the silent era are still existing. I think even up to the 40's, they were routinely destroying the master copies of movies after a few years if they didn't make much money. I think the best of the best have survived but many many more are lost forever. People didn't start having a preservationist mindset until too late, in many cases.


A more important question might be how many movies do you consume per week... calculating your life expectancy, how many more weeks you have left to live, multiplying the weeks by your average and then making sure you watch the important ones first. Same with books. You'll never be able to watch everything so you might as well worry about making a list that you can actually finish.


This is why I don't understand the people who watch the same movie over and over. I mean some movies, yes you can study them and see something new every time, and multiple viewings are worthwhile. But there are SO MANY movies I have not seen yet, so in my limited lifespan I usually prefer to watch something new over watching something I've already seen.


Yeah, nothing wrong with rewatching certain favorites but it's always good to keep in mind that life is finite and one should avoid watching hours of crap or repeats because of that reason. Although if you wait many years, it's nice to watch a movie again because usually it will feel new again by that time.


That is true, I have rewatched some of the movies I liked in high school and college, and sometimes your memory can be a funny thing. Seeing it again doesn't always match up to your memories.
