MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What was the first movie you watched?

What was the first movie you watched?

the forbidden "song of the south"!

go MC.o!!!


My kindergarten teacher took the class to see The Last Unicorn in the theater.

I think I just aged myself there.


as did i!!


I started watching that when I was like 5, maybe 10 maximum, but I never finished it because I got freaked out by some of the villains or something. I was very easily frightened as a child. XD

I don't even remember what my first movie was... Probably some Disney princess film.


Haha, I remember it having a more adult feel to it than other cartoon movies. I was your typical 80s girl and was probably distracted by the unicorns.


Yeah, I loved unicorns for the longest time. In 4th or 5th grade, I was still drawing unicorns in my spare time. Some jerk made fun of me for it, prancing around and singing, "I'm a magical unicorn, come on out and play!"

That was embarrassing, but I got over it. Heck, I still have some unicorn paintings in my bedroom, and I'm 20 years old. xD


Awww. Well, I was the little pale faced, green eyed, redhead girl with her purple unicorn Trapper Keeper. *insert numerous ginger jokes here* I had a real smart mouth, so most thought twice before actually bullying me though. Also, I recently turned 40, but get mistaken for still being in my 20s; so it's all good. :)


Have you read the book?? Soooo good!


I haven't. I will now. Thanks for the suggestion!


Interesting question. I think it was Zeferelli's ROMEO & JULIET (a re-release!!) When I was little my mom used to tell us theater and opera (and some movie) plots as bedtime stories, and that one was my favorite. When she explained there was a "movie" of it, I was somewhat confounded. Like, "What's THAT??" Then it was playing at a drive in and we went. I fell asleep.


Can't remember but I DO remember my 4th grade teacher taking us all to see Song of the South at the theatre...loved that film!! I managed to get a copy on DVD, had to get it through the UK as it was banned in the US years ago. Ridiculous!

I vaguely remember seeing parts of Bullet at the drive-in back in 66 or 67. I was just a wee one then.


Correction, Bullet, was in 68 with Steve McQueen. That's the one I'm referring to.


Whoops! Another's, Bullitt, not Bullet. LoL...I'll get it right eventually. 😉


I can't wait for the edit button. A goof I made the other day is still gnawing at me. *twitch* 😣


The first one I can remember watching was "The Wizard of Oz".


I couldn't possibly guess what the first movie I ever watched on tape was. I'm not sure what the first one I watched in the theater was either, but it might, MIGHT have been Toy Story. I can't be certain about it though. That's just my best guess.


The first movie I remember FOR SURE watching in the theater, was The Lost World: Jurassic Park, when I was 7 years old. I remember it clearly, just me and my dad went. I'm pretty sure I saw other movies in the theater before then, but I can't be sure which ones or when.


E.T. was my first movie.

