MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Lets do THIS !!!!

Lets do THIS !!!!

What do we need to do, to make this better than IMDB ?


Phew. That's a tall order. Here's what we'll need to do to conquer IMDb.

1. Lively message boards.
Here we can't lose (seen as IMDb don't even have message boards anymore), but the larger the margin of victory the more important. Basically, we need more users, which leads us straight into number two on our list.

2. Spread the word.
Without IMDb message boards anymore, its going to be difficult to tell people about this place. I don't know about anyone else, but I only discovered this site an hour ago (thanks to a random post about this place on Reddit). Unfortunately, most people seem to be flocking to IMDb 2 (which is good, but nowhere near as good as this place). We must do everything we can to inform people of this place (social media, emailing friends, etc).

3. Duplicating IMDb.
Try and replicate (or improve, even) the info about each specific movie/TV show/actor/director that was on IMDb. You know, trivia, goofs and all that. This will take A LOT of time to do, though, and many people would need to help out.

4. Making things easily accessible for users.
For instance, copying IMDb and adding filmographies for each and every actor/actress (I know, I know, this will take a HELL of a lot of time.

5. Rating system.
I think we could expand on this and actually be better than IMDb in this regard. How? By creating the ability to rate actors/actress and directors. Lol. Wouldn't that be fun? I think it would be great fun.

6. Review section for movies and TV shows.
This is a given, really.

7. Iron out the rough patches.
You know, add emoji's, a reply function to each post, etc, etc. Another thing I'd like to see added is the ability to like/dislike posts. This could help in getting rid of trolls (of course, this would only be a concern when/if the site really takes off).

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Toppling IMDb will be EXTREMELY difficult, though... I only hope the death of the message boards is the beginning of the end for those jerks at IMDb and Amazon.


You make some good points, and I hope that most of your ideas are realized.

The one point of which I'm wary is #7, in which comments would be rated, with the hint that those views might be censored.

I'm all for an "Ignore" function that users can employ to individually screen those who they find objectionable, but pull back from endorsing anything which would allow attackers to swarm commentors they don't like and get their views banished.

It might deprive minority opinions the right to be heard, and the right of the rest of us to hear them.



No, no, you misunderstand me. I'm not advocating censoring or deletion of lower rated posts, I'm just suggesting that it might be a good idea to be able to divide the posts on a thread into order of preference. For example, newest to latest (or vice versa) or best rated to lowest rated. That way, people would be able to see the top rated post first. This wouldn't just help to put obvious trolls at the bottom of a page, but also it would help people find the particular answer they were looking for... For instance, I was once looking for an explanation about something regarding the movie Cloud Atlas, and I found a post that was fitting...but the replies were garbage. Honestly, the whole thread had been derailed. But, anyway, I trawled through about 5 pages or so and then, finally, on that very last page, I found the perfect response that actually made sense to me and answered my question. If a rating system had been in place I imagine that guy would have been near the top and I would have seen the post much sooner.

Of course, this isn't a big deal for me. It's just a suggestion.



If I understand you correctly, you're advocating posts be rated by relevancy to the original topic or question. That's something I'd strongly agree with. Just not a thumbs up or down on whether the readers agree with a poster's opinion. That, I'd want to avoid.



Yes, that's exactly what I'm advocating. I just can't see any other way for this to be achieved without implementing a thumbs up thumbs down system.


I would LOVE to be able to rate actors and directors. But no, I don't want the ability to like/dislike posts. People will abuse it if they read a post they don't agree with.


This site needs to spread the word on social media and get as many people on it as possible. It will never be IMDb message boards. They had Amazon and Google backing them and over a decade of existence. This place has been the alternative for less than 24 hours.

But it could be a good substitute if it works and a lot of people join.



Yeah, I suppose you're right. It could easily be abused.
