MovieChat Forums > h-oates

h-oates (172)


MASSIVE SPOILER: Not happy with how the ending went. What would you say the percentage is of people who like the prequels, sequels and the originals? Anyone else thinks Genisys was underrated? The incel phenomena Anyone else find it a little ironic that everyone is on George Lucas' side now? Should the MCU have ended right here? Don't know about you...but I can smell a re-release battle coming up between Endgame and Avatar. the timeline completely wrecked now? Okay, time to commit to an answer folks... Will it beat Avatar? SPOILERS! Why was Tony Stark the only one willing to do what was necessary? View all posts >


Fairly big. She’s in the movie from practically the start to the end. After Brad Pitt she’s probably the second most important character. Putin would never dare drop a nuclear bomb. Only country that ever has in wartime is USA (with the backing of Britain and France), so all this chad Putin talk is nonsense. He’s an old, crazy fool who’s trying to build a legacy before the reaper comes for him. You don’t leave an entire blockade in place to prevent just a handful of people from getting to the planet. In all likelihood it probably wouldn’t even work that well anyway against a small ship, and then the ground would be virtually defenceless to attack from the people of Naboo. The Trade Federation only had a limited number of droids to rely on. You’re missing the point. They outright KNEW no outside forces would come because Sidious had control of the Senate. He tells them this. Fair enough, yes. I personally think the large majority of your criticisms are valid, and yet I still enjoy watching The Phantom Menace. I think because it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Yet it knows not to go too far and descend into outright farcical stuff. Nostalgia plays a big part as well, I’ll admit. But I still think TPM has the spirit of Star Wars more than The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker does (The Force Awakens worked for me). Well that’s another question. To be honest it doesn’t make sense to me to keep it in place once the invasion was successful. Its purpose had been served and they needed all their troops on the ground in order to maintain control and stop the greatest threat (which was from within on Naboo itself). Outside forces intervening on a large scale was never going to happen, because Sidious had control of the Senate and the Trade Federation trusted him to keep it that way. “Is the planet secure?” Palpatine. “We have complete control of the planet now.” Nute Gunray. Pretty sure that’s the exact dialogue. It’s a small scene that takes place directly before Qui-Gon and the others go back to Naboo. Just want to point out that 8 isn’t a plot hole. They specifically point out that there’s only one ship on their scope. The droid command ship. The blockade was no longer in place because they’d successfully took over control of the planet. I’d…actually be okay with this. Sounds fun. Has a Paper Mario vibe about it. Although, yes, I do recognise your point. It’s an interesting theory but factually doesn’t make sense. Certain events that occur in the previous 20 Bond films don’t seem like the kind of things you’d put in a story, especially if those events never actually happened (Bond loving and marrying a woman called Tracy, Felix being mangled by a shark and having his wife get killed, etc). Also, why describe him differently? The first five Bond’s (aside from Moore’s, I guess) all had dark hair and were taller than Craig. It may seem like nitpicking, but when I think about it there’s a lot of reasons why this doesn’t work for me. For instance, why set some of the stories so far in the past? Although I do prefer it to the “James Bond is a codename” theory. Best compliment I can give you is that if there ever was an attempt to bring all 25 films into a single continuity, this theory is the only way they could do it. I just don’t think it holds up to close analysis. View all replies >