MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Lets do THIS !!!!

Lets do THIS !!!!

What do we need to do, to make this better than IMDB ?


I mistakenly assumed that IMDB 2 was the forum that would continue where IMDb's message boards left off--as in becoming the sequel to IMDb--yet in my opinion their use of the IMDb acronym is a bit misleading as it stands for Internet Media Discussion Boards not Internet Movie Database which it is not (e.g., I typed in the name of several actors in IMDB 2's search box and the search results had nothing to do whatsoever with these actors). Here on MovieChat, every actor, film and director I've entered in the search box has yielded the results I was searching for, as far as directing me to a respective message board of a particular actor, film or director.

So it's really this site that has the potential to be the clone of IMDb--well at least as far as the message boards goes and hopefully those who flocked to IMDB 2 for the sole purpose of finding a replacement for IMDb's now defunct message boards will stumble upon this site. Anything to make MovieChat even more like how IMDb once was, would be a definite plus in my book.


Agreed. Whichever website we end up going with, I am willing to work day, night, and Sunday for free to improve it WAY beyond stupid tired lame IMDb and make it the best of its kind anywhere!

About the boards, it would be really great for everyone to have a look here and consider all the features of these boards and what their originator has to say about their creation and his own credentials. We want whichever board we end up using to be the best format on the best platform currently available to avoid future disasters. If at all possible I would like to see us choose a format and perhaps merge the contents of two or more boards into the boards with the best format. Thank you.




The only suggestion I wouldn't opt for is a like/dislike feature for people's posts. What I love and think is healthy about discussion boards is that people can candidly exchange thoughts without worrying or perceiving that there may be a popularity contest, or a peer approval culture.

Also, in my experience, people tend to "like" or "upvote" positive comments much more than negative ones, even when the positive ones aren't particularly insightful or helpful while the negative ones can often be quite thoughtful, valid and constructive. That bias towards positive or maybe "harmless" comments can just lead to a boring and unhealthy culture of discourse.

Just my take, of course. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there. It's nice being among people who care about online film discussion. :)


@ touch-of-my-burning-hand

Yes, the clean layout of this site was one of the main things that attracted me to this site (the other factors being the archive and the wonderful sense of good faith and goodwill from many posters here and from the founder Jim). This is shaping up very nicely for a site that is only days old.
