MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Notifications via email

Notifications via email

When signing up just now, I don't recall being asked for an email address. This gives me a few concerns:
1) How will I know when someone has replied to any of my posts?
2) How will I know when there are any new posts to boards to which I want to subscribe? (For that matter, how do I subscribe to a board?)
3) What measures do you have in place to prevent spammers from joining - it must be super-easy for them to join because nobody even needs to acknowledge signing up by clicking on a link in an email!



Yes, I think that we will wish to have email notification at some point. It is a nice feature to have the option for alerts in response to your posts. It is also nice to have email notifications for private messages (A feature that I hope that we will eventually have). Also, if you wish to reset your password or have forgotten your username or password, an email on file will be required.


I agree with wanton87. If I post in several threads in a day, which I often do, I won't remember where I posted. My short term memory really sucks! Often times I'm as bad as poor Leonard on Memento. 😩 So yes...emails of new posts are crucial to me...I depend on them! I definitely hope this feature becomes available to us in the future.


Email notifications will come with time :). Right now, I'm super busy archiving the boards before they shut down (2 more days to go...).

For now, you can click on your username (in the top right corner) and you'll be able to see the your posts/replies.


@jim, I like the new Notifications "bell" that lets one know if there have been comment replies whenever you log back on :-)


Thanks Jim 😊 I figured you would probably add that feature later on down the road but am glad to hear you confirm it.

Yeah, for now I've been checking back on my profile to see where I've posted. That's been that, it's the only way I can 😉


I don't have this issue , i still get a notification email If someone responds to my post


Neither do I...never did. This was all BEFORE he made notifications. I still wish he would make links highlighted once you clicked them so I can remember which links I clicked on rather than keep clicking on links I've already seen.


Thanks jim - love ya work by the way - big thx :-)
