MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How did you find out about moviechat?

How did you find out about moviechat?

Personally I saw it posted on reddit, but I'm curious how other ppl found this site.


The most recent thread post on IMDb.


Someone posted it on one of the message boards on IMDB.


I was having one last look at the boards and was wondering if there finally was an acceptable replacement for IMDb when i came across a thread on the GoT board linking this site; and i gotta say, so far, not bad at all.

I think the site that'll manage to resemble IMDb the most will win the race and as for me, this one is the most serious contender i've come across. I've already signed up!

Keep it up guys!


I was feeling sad about the IMDb deletion, and a friend said something like, "Hey, someone should scrape all those message boards and set them up again!" I figured SOMEONE online would have thought of that already, so I googled a phrase like "imdb message board scrape." Then I was so relieved to find this site with all the old posts preserved. Seriously overjoyed!!


Saw it on IMDB.


I saw people posting about it on the IMDb Facebook page.

This looks like a pretty good site, though it's clearly in its infancy so far.


Someone I barely know, but admire from agreeing in a lot of the POLITICS threads, kindly pmed me a heads up about this site....and I felt very exclusive because she was only telling the nice posters she RESPECTED. (allegedly)


The Twilight Zone board. This is one of the few "alternative" sites I joined, and while I probably won't be as active as I was in our old stomping grounds, it'll be nice to keep in touch with some familiar faces (names).
