Name The Song

List some lyrics from any song and everyone will try to guess what song it is, from just the lyrics.

Once correctly answered the next person can add more lyrics for others to guess or leave it up for grabs. :D

I will start:

A long long time ago
I can still remember
how that music used to make me smile

I think this one is pretty easy but we can add more lines if necessary, or clues



No guesses?


It's American Pie by Don McLean. Do I add lyrics now? /I know, I ask too many quetions lol/


Yes, now you start again with another song we can guess by the lyrics. And never too many questions. hah. If you only knew how much I talk and ask questions here in the real world. lol


I ask a lot of questions too. Mostly stupid ones lol. I'll think of something :)


I think Dazed had it.
She just didn't make a formal guess.
She just added more lyrics.
After I saw this I just let it be.
It doesn't matter I just wanted it noted.
I'm sure Dazed could care less.


I saw Dazed answered it too, that's why I didn't guess earlier. But I think we're used to "stealing" guesses by now lol.


I'm the king of stealing answers. I've almost perfected it.
I actually came close on this. I had to stop myself.
Ya got guts kid.


Yes, I was confused as to whether she didn't want to guess it but leave it for someone else and just add lyrics. The way I wrote the instructions made it kind of sound that way. But you are right she obviously knew what it was. :)



Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction

/uuuh, topical lol/


Unfortunately it is topical.

War Pigs- Black Sabbath


To be fair, it's always topical...



But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out






In black and white
They really, really ought to know...


Shout-Tears for Fears


If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me


Free Bird-Lynyrd Skynyrd


well done, didn't think that would be so easy.


It's Free Bird and I'm an American.
Enough said. It's bigger than the Star Spangled Banner.


cute, bigger than sweet home alabama? or that one isn't so much? :)


The only people who think Sweet Home Alabama is bigger would be people from Alabama.


okay this made me lol :D
sorry, sorry.. just checking! How about the kid rock mash up with it? I can't remember the name of that one at the moment. Also too lazy to look it up. LOL.


Do you mean All Summer Long?
If you I do , I would say this is a no.


I did, and would say thank goodness. :)


We're bad but not that bad.

Did you see the movie caption game and the misheard lyric post?
Some funny stuff on those.


I saw those yes. I always was bad at caption games, but I could try. I'm just not all that funny. The misheard lyrics are always fun. The CCR "bathroom on the right" always comes to mind to me since someone told me as a teen. I see its already there. haha I'll have to add some of my own.


Everybody's bad. It's just funny and fun.

The CCR one has been mentioned by a couple people. Too funny.
Reading some of those is hysterical.

Don't think about it , just do it.


I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real

Too easy? i repeat myself? Who cares... good, is good. :D


This might be a technicality depending on which version you chose.

I'll go Hurt- Nine Inch Nails.


Yes, a bit too easy. ;)


New lyrics

She's been lookin' like a queen in a sailor's dream
And she don't always say what she really means
Sometimes I think it's a shame
When I get feeling better when I'm feeling no pain

Daisy you should know this.


Its driving me quite nuts. Believe me I've spent some time on it. lol. I'm not giving up yet..


Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot....i hope.
that's kind of a hard one

When I get feeling better when I'm feeling no pain

Love this line though... what does he mean? Get drunk? Always loved that line so was kind of easy after you added that.. :D


That's It. Good job.

Great song. I think the song is about his girl friend out partying while he's at home working.
BTW his ex girlfriend is the same girl who killed John Belushi.


What? Killed?
oh and yaya.. thanks.. you just shocked me a little with the comments. Heavy for what doesn't seem like a heavy song.
And a girl should never be partying while her bf is working, just saying.


Actually a depressing song when you think about it.

"I can picture every move that a man could make
Getting lost in her loving is your first mistake"

She was the girl who gave Belushi the injection that killed him.
Nice huh ?

And no a girl should not be out partying especially with other men.
Nor should a guy for that matter. Now I'm just sayin.


Had no idea that song had any truth to it at all.
Just like Like a Rolling Stone was about an heiress and Andy Warhol. (supposedly) So weird. I'm sure most songs are about SOMEONE though.


Ok, your turn for lyrics.
Make it good.


My lyrics have been waiting on page 2 with no guesses. haha.
