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RFK Jr: Biden & Trump are not talking about the biggest issues in America today


Thank you for sharing this.

That's it.
I am voting for RFK.
And not only voting but will look into volunteering for his campaign in my town.



In both videos he discussed problems and reminisced about the "good old days". He never stated one solution to solve any of the problems. Not one!


Because he is a hell of a lot more inspiring than OLD geezer war mongering asshole Joe Brandon.

Trump vs Biden
Whoever wins, we lose.

He wins. We all win.

Oh his website he offers solutions.

As president, I will end the forever wars, clean up government, increase wealth for all, and tell Americans the truth.

If that is still not enough for you then you can do your own searches to find them.
Or are not aware of this thing called "Google" and search engines?


I repeat, he never says how?

Anyone can make empty promises. How is he going to actually achieve it? There are zero details in how he'll achieve it!

I'll also add that obstruction and inaction happen because of the senate and congress voting against policies. And state and local municipalities will do the same. And billionaires who are against policies will create PACs to "donate" to politicians as well as sue any policy which hurts their profits. How will he overcome these obstacles?

As a 3rd party candidate, RFK Jr. has zero chance of winning. He dropped out of the Democrat primary because he wasn't popular. You're throwing away your vote. You're also living in a world of fantasy if you believe any politician will help improve your life. If you want a better life, then you'll have to do it yourself.


I am a progressive and RFK speaks to those ideals way the fuck more than OLD war mongering geezer Brandon who is way too old to be president.

I would rather have Trump and almost voted for him.

Voting for RFK, who is the leading independent candidate, takes away a vote for Brandon and might help Trump to win if not RFK himself.
Plus for the 2nd Party to have a popular household name, like the Greens had with Ralph Nader who I proudly volunteered and voted for, gives them a better chance at being recognized in this one Corporate Party system we have which painfully fucks us without lube.

You nor anyone else will change my mind or make me regret my choice, ever.

If Trump wins because of our votes that went to RFK don't blame us.
Blame yourselves for being too chickenshit and not progressive enough to keep someone left wing in the WH.
And blame the DNC for putting up a war mongering OLD, OLD, OLD geezer who has no idea what to say or where to go when done speaking.


RFK Jr is a warmonger too! He's owned by AIPAC:

"2024 dark horse RFK Jr. questions need for Gaza truce, defends Israeli offensive
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. offered staunch support for Israel in a Reuters interview, calling it a “moral nation".

"Independent U.S. presidential candidate expresses full-throated support of Israel, calling it a 'moral nation' while rejecting calls for Gaza cease-fire"

Kennedy believes ethnic cleansing, genocide, occupation and oppression of Palestinians are fine. And they have no right to fight back or defend themselves. What the hell is moral about Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people?? F Kennedy!

Trump is an OLD SENILE hateful KKK Geezer who incites violence and will incite WW3.

The only candidate who is denouncing Palestinian oppression is Dr. Cornel West.


RFK is not going to win so a vote for him is OK to do.

Better than Brandon.

"Trump is an OLD SENILE hateful KKK Geezer who incites violence and will incite WW3."
Dude, we are closer to WW3 under Brandon, not Trump.


No, we're closer to WW3 with Trump who is helping Russia win the war against Ukraine and encourages Russia to invade NATO countries. That will cause WW3.

Trump hates the U.S. and only cares about himself. At least he's doing something useful like bankrupting the RNC and helping Democrats get elected.

You're a hypocrite if you're voting for RFK since he's exactly the same as Biden. Same exact politics since he's taking money from the same lobbyists and donors.

Your vote is irrelevant unless you live in a Swing State.


Trump is not the current president and the invasion happened under Biden because he rejected all peace negotiations which would have prevented the invasion before it happened.

Only a crackpot would think that Putin wants to take over Europe.

And your proof of everything you claim is where?


Trump is the leader of the Republican Party and controls the RNC. He has a loyal following among legislators including in Congress.

Thats what Neville Chamberlain said about Hitler.

Books! And Russian news including Putin’s speeches.


So you are just making it all up as I thought.
Got it.


You're projecting.

If you want some book recommendations, I would be glad to list them for you, otherwise don't waste my time.
