MovieChat Forums > Politics > Tyson and Planet Fitness stock suffer bl...

Tyson and Planet Fitness stock suffer bloodbath after going woke...

I'm kinda pissed at PF for this as I'm a Black Card holder...and I do not want to spend $150/month on a big-gym membership considering I only heavy lift 3-4 times a week.

WTF, PF!? Stop letting dudes in WomanFace in the Ladie's Locker room!

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


How is your bloodbath boycott going? It looks like you need something else to be outraged about. I hope you find it.


You have to wait till PF releases their membership data. Patience, lad.

You are way more invested in this than we are.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I mean, we live in a world where a female's membership was cancelled for taking a picture of a man in the women's locker room!! That's what Biden's America has come to..


That women was banned because she took photos of another member in the locker room which is prohibited by Planet Fitness. It doesn't matter if this person is transgender or not. This has got nothing to do with transgenders so go find something else to be outraged about, Goober.


This won't end until a female child is sexually violated by an adult male.

I'm sure they secretly hope the perp and victim will be specific races too, that's how disgusting they are.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome



My PF has been creepily empty this weekend. I didn't think my area would be affected by this...

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Where is this bloodbath you claim? Tyson's stock has held steady while Planet Fitness' stock has gone up since your original post.


LMAO, still on about that? The title of this post was nothing more than to mock the completely retarded overreaction of the word "bloodbath" said by Trump. The left, Democrats, media, AND GOOGLE FFS all blew a gasket over a word they have been using for decades and decades. Hell, google REMOVED the economic definition of the word, they were that fuckin' triggered!!

In fact, if you read my OP...I didn't even mention stocks because I couldn't care less about Tyson or PFs stocks because A) I don't eat garbage fake chicken, and B) some battles are just not big enough to bother with. Like a $10 gym with a Lunk Alarm lol.

Way way wayyyyy tooo invested Bro.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


I'm posting comments on a public message board. What makes you think I am way too invested here? The point is that you posted something here making a claim that wasn't true so I called you on it numerous times and you still bite making excuses for your posts.

You have 5 posts in the front page of the politics board so you can say you're invested here too. Anyway, I'm not the one who copies and pastes my user name in bold on every single one of your posts in politics. It must be uncomfortable for you to be thinking about me all the time. You're obsessed with me! 🤣



Planet Fitness Bloodbath CONFIRMED. They have lost a metric fuck in memberships, revenue, and site traffic!

Get Woke... GO BROKE

I'm kinda pissed that my rates are going to go up because of this dumbassery.


Yay! You've been vindicated. Finally, you won something here. I'm sure your wife/sister is very proud of you. If you hate Planet Fitness then you can go to a different gym, dumbass. Why do you give your money to something you hate?

Anyway, Planet Fitness stock is at 64.95 USD−0.37 (0.57%) today. Still no bloodbath.


I win constantly lmao. Just because you don't like it, changes nothing.

Also, stock prices don't mean shit in this instance....the damage is clearly done. I'm not happy about it, but it is what it is.

I'm sure your wife/sister is very proud of you.

You have strange issues with women.
