MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump = no new wars

Trump = no new wars

Thank you President Trump for not allowing any new wars on your watch.

cant wait for Trump to be President again.


God bless Trump



New Wars:
Obama/Biden 9
Trump 0

It’s clear who the president of peace is.


He may not have started any new wars but let's be honest that he is not a perfect anti war president.

Let's take a good look at war things he did and did not do.

Wars that I'll-Bomb-Ya started kept going under his watch.
Trump did set it up for us to get out of Afghanistan but it didn't happen until after he left as president.
(He had four years to do this. Why not have done this sooner?)
He did ease tensions between us and Korea and Russia.
He did threaten to withhold military aid to Ukraine, in a quid pro quo, which he deserves tons of credit for since it is unheard of for a POTUS to do this.
However that aid did continue for the murdering of civilians in the Donbas region.

If Gaza had happened under Trump then I think it would have been a lot worse than what we have now and there would not even be any thoughts or words of a ceasefire with aid which they really need.

Then here at home there was a lot of unrest between the races.
Was it because Trump, who many see as a racist, was president or a coincidence?
I believe that Charlottesville would not have happened under any other president.
Burn, Loot, and Murder amped that up when a white cop killed an innocent and unarmed restrained black.

Overall I do think Trump is the lesser evil between him and Biden.
I am just not going to give him unconditional credit for it yet.


Dictator Joe is the president of War and Trump is the President of Peace.


Trump=endless appeasement of dictators worldwide


Joe said that Putin was skeered of him.


And yet, all those dictators respected and feared him enough to not start wars.


LOL. This is what passes for "logic" in MAGAland, and you wonder why you get laughed at.


better than BBBland.


It’s not about logic, especially since leftoids lack it. It’s about Facts.

And the entire world is laughing at Biden, which is why they are starting wars and conflicts under his administration.


