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Is It Propaganda? Upsetting Details In the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

I know in the past in wartime "the enemy" has been portrayed as being monstrous in doing incredibly inhumane things to innocents... and it's often been fabricated. Please tell me the shit I'm hearing about Hamas and what they are doing to babies and children is an example of this. I thought we were past this type of barbarism... but I guess I'm naive?


The stories I keep encountering are beyond barbaric, they're demonic.


Yes, that is a more accurate description. No offense, but I think I'm gonna pass on the article. I heard enough yesterday. Something regarding ovens. In a real bad mental state right now. Shakes my faith, but maybe that's the point.


"Please tell me the shit I'm hearing ..."
Yes , that is untrue propaganda
I have no doubt that babies and children have been killed by both sides , but I refuse to believe hamas are murdering babies in the deliberate fashion describe in wild internet web rumours.

speaking of one sided propaganda , why dont you read up on Israel's abuse of palaestininam population over the last 60 years ?
You'll have to dig deeper and google harder , becuase apparently we in the west are on Israel's side and the truth is harder to get to .

You could start with the amount of United Nations and Amnesty International's multiple documented official condemnations of Israel's conduct.

I'm not saying Israel are the bad guys here , I'm saying neither side are covererd in glory , and try to get the facts of both sides.


Yep, just read that it was myself. As I suspected. Yeah I don't trust anything I hear anymore. I'm not taking sides. How can someone with the amount of disinformation/misinformation floating around.


We are NOT past this type of shit. Read some history, this is NORMAL. Hell, it is still BETTER THAN NORMAL, because Isreal is NOT literally conducting a scorched earth campaign in retaliation.

Since the end of WWII, we have been living in an ARTIFICIAL enforced "peace" where historical standards of behavior, such as wars of conquest and large scale forced population movements.

This has led to an ILLUSION of progress, and some very naive thinking on the part of people today, especially westerns.

But as we see relative America power decline, expect to see a lot more of this type of shit.
