MovieChat Forums > Politics > In a tough blow for MAGA, President Bide...

In a tough blow for MAGA, President Biden's economy continues booming!

U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annualized rate over three months ending in September.

The U.S. economy grew at a blistering pace over three months ending in September, more than doubling growth in the previous quarter and rebuking worries about a possible recession.


Wait, aren't you one of those weirdos who spends every single second on the internet saying "OH, THAT'S A BIG BLOW FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP."

What person would care what you think/say?


Lol, none of us...even the posters he agrees with, hate him.


wow thats great, giving money away seems to boost the economy...


You can always tell who buys their own groceries with threads like these.


Yup, I just spent over $50 on basics... Milk, eggs, bacon, bread, etc...


But it's the best economy ever!

I'd sure hate to see it if it wasn't.


You mean the booming hyper-inflated prices of gas and groceries?!


12 weeks is a lifetime in politics, let alone 12 months...

Most Americans are reportedly facing financial challenges as their pandemic savings have dwindled.

Beyond the wealthiest 20% of the U.S., Americans have depleted their extra savings and now have less cash on hand than they did when the pandemic began, Bloomberg reported Monday (Sept. 25), citing figures from the Federal Reserve.

Less cash in August 2023 than March 2020... 3 1/2 years...

No one talks about velocity of money. I had an economics professor that said this was the most important statistic (and not the same dude who had a hard-on for copper.) I understand the premise, but I don't quite understand how it's measured, and how bullshit CPI numbers affect it. It looks like it's been picking up speed since 2021 Quarter 2.

As a fer instance, this report says it really sped up 1991 Quarter 2 to 1995 Quarter 1, and I distinctly remember those years being pretty dismal in Southern California.
