MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is evolution a dangerous conspiracy theo...

Is evolution a dangerous conspiracy theory?

Remember anything you can't prove is a "conspiracy theory".

(oh and uhhm, of course, many things you have direct evidence of are also "conspiracy theories", cause we just love the way that sounds and we love using it as a meaningless "shut-up" phrase)

Is Charles Darwin a dangerous terrorist who we should ban from entering the US to prevent any more Jan 6ths?


After you finish your one hour of computer time ask your nurse to give you your meds. It's apparent that you forgot to take them earlier.


People should be put in mental homes for mocking you?

No, people who think Joe Biden is anything other than a shocking physical wreck and a talentless joke, & election stealing usurper.

You deserve to be in a home with plenty of orderlies beating your worthless ass to a pulp every day.


What are you babbling about? You seem quite dimwitted. See what happens when you forget to take your meds?


"What are you babbling about"

falsely accusing of "babbling" when they're speaking clearly is basically your entire pathetic life summed up. That's all you know how to do.

Just tell us why you prefer to spend your life talking to (and about) Trump supporters instead of spending time with Muslims?

If you agree all my assessments of you are correct, please indicate by refusing to answer the previous question.


You are not speaking clearly.

I cant tell if you are a believer in crazy conspiracy theories , or speaking out against them due to the layer of sarcasm.

so just to clarify what is your answer to the question you posed in the OP?


No-one's speaking, we're typing. You can't even get basic words correct, you pitiful mantoddler.

Tell me uh, what were you afraid would happen if one of my posts passed by without falsely accusing me of being incoherent?

You'd somehow magically become even more bald, impotent and pallid?


well that's cleared that up, thanks
You've said a lot more than you think you have.


"that's cleared that up"

Your acne? No I'm not a miracle worker.


I wish this and many of your comments could get a like.
