MovieChat Forums > Politics > (Alleged) White Supremist Attacks Shoppe...

(Alleged) White Supremist Attacks Shopper

The post headline might be off, I just ate some expired cheese slices but something happened and then something else happened but I'm pretty sure we can all agree Trump was involved and his supporters are to blame, or something...


Customer: Ain't nothin you can do until the police come.

Sikh store owner: Hold my broom handle!


Remember: Being on time for work is now "White Supremacy"

No reason to take this shit seriously...ever.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


I wonder if paycheques being on time is still required with these people.

Seems like if attendance is optional, payment should be as well.



Your data set is off by a bit. I'm pro Robert Kennedy. Try to keep up.

I also like yellow beans and long walks on the beach.

You should try the long walks - it sounds like your blood pressure is through the roof with your TDS.


That's why I deleted my comment. You don't seem like one of the many rabid Trump supporters here. Anyway, It is funny that when anyone insults Trump then they are accused of having TDS. That just means Trump supporters have no other argument.

I can see it now. Trump is in court and his attorney will claim that Trump is innocent because every single person has who doesn't like him has TDS. That should work.


Your go to Trump response shows a failing in your character - maybe take time to work on it.


My character is just fine despite what an anonymous moron like you on a public message board thinks. You don't know me and I don't know you. Let's leave it at that.
