MovieChat Forums > Politics > Whitewashing in film.

Whitewashing in film.

Watch the ignorant folks on here will have no retort but to insult me for posting this. Yet they are free to complain when it is done to them.


And these days it’s blackwashing. Same offense.


So then anytime a whitewash occurs we have a right to complain as well. So then we have the right to be upset about Tiger Lily in Pan correct?


Why complain about something that happened decades ago? Let’s focus on stopping whitewashing and black(or other PoC)washing going forward.


Which is why I also brought up Pan. How about not caring so long as the race isn't essential to the character?


The question is why do it? Where’s the logic in swapping race/gender/sexuality when it then appeals to a much smaller audience? And “why not?” isn’t a legitimate answer.


Because an actress or actor auditioning for the role might have a better audition for that specific role. You get a wider variety of talent by opening it up.


They don’t hire based on “better auditions” anymore. Or most talented.


No proof of that. There are plenty of times they hire based on talent.


I was being cynical.


WTF is “white washing”? I thought based on the response to the Little Mermaid that race swapping was a good thing? Or that we are just supposed to “get over it”.

Libtard Logic:
- Replacing a minority actor with a white actor = racist
- Disagreeing with replacing a white actor with a minority actor = racist

Stupid libtard virtue signaler.


Race (as well as gender or sexuality) swapping is not a “good” thing because it serves no purpose.

If you want diversity, make films and shows with original diverse characters. Don’t remake a previous film/show and race/gender/sexuality-swap straight white characters.

Studios do that because films/shows focusing on diverse characters have historically low viewership because few people want to see them.

So studios swap white characters in popular films/shows hoping the popularity of the original — and the resulting publicity when the massive backlash hits — will pump up ticket sales. It never does.

The swapping is an obvious sign that studios have no creative talent and don’t care about the original source material or the fans. And they’re tired of losing money on original diverse projects.


Nope the year one comic of Batman says hi. Selina Kyle was not white in that comic book. So who decides what comic is canon? That's the beautiful thing about comic book characters there are many interpretations and changes over time.


Exactly, I say the same thing to people who want a female James Bond: Just make a new franchise with a diverse female superspy, quit riding the coattails of successful franchises just to push your own agenda.


Saw this today. Where are all the black actors in Oppenheimer.


It's portraying a piece of history. Therefore you try to be as accurate as you can to history. Fiction is more flexible given the circumstances and how the story is written and structured.
