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How do you find this speech from a former US president?

Our government is made up of the people. You are the government, I am only your hired servant. I am the Chief Executive of the greatest nation in the world, the highest honor that can ever come to a man on earth. But I am the servant of the people of the United States. They are not my servants. I can’t order you around, or send you to labor camps or have your heads cut off if you don’t agree with me politically. We don’t believe in that….

I believe that if we ourselves try to live as we should, and if we continue to work for peace in this world, and as the old Puritan said, “Keep your bullets bright and your powder dry,” eventually we will get peace in this world, because that is the only way we can survive with the modern inventions under which we live.


Sounds about 100 years old or George W. Bush.


75 years ago by a Democrat.


I like Truman.

I have yet to read about him in detail (I have a nice fat book at the ready) but what I remember is that no one told him about the Manhattan Project and he only found out after FDR kicked it. Can you imagine?


It's a good speech. The rest of the speech is available in the link below. Some of the harsh language is still relevant since current authoritarian regimes are conducting mass beheadings and running labor camps.


Truman ... blah, blah, blah ... he's the one who set this whole anti-FDR thing rolling, to which Eisenhower complained about the Military Industrial Complex.

> I can’t order you around, or send you to labor camps or have your heads cut off if you don’t agree with me politically. We don’t believe in that….

But Republicans do believe in that. The other day Rhonda Santos said he would destroy the Left in this country. That should disqualify him and any other Republican being President or any other position in the government.
