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Does anyone who support Biden regularly get laid?

I used to get laid every week of Trumps presidency, except for slowing down in the winter

I didnt feel like partying as much when we got a senile freak as "president". Knowing the losers won by stuffing the ballot boxes. Its sick. Plus I felt bad having fun while all those Jan 6 guys are locked up.

But im still good at sex, I get compliments from both the other participant and also from "bystanders".

So Biden supporters, tell us about your fleshlight collection.


They regularly ride their rainbow colored dragon dildos. Does that count?


This is parody I hope! 😂


You probably think John Oliver is funny (or even standable) so nobody really cares.

I can tell how much I annoyed you about your virginity cause you falsely claim to have laughter tears coming from your eyes.


You are truly hilarious! I really did have a good laugh.


I mean, no one can be serious talking about how Pres. Biden ruined their sex life! If you are actually being serious, that's pretty damn sad. LOL!


He puts his hands all over little girls all the time and his son is also probably a big time pedo according to rumours.

How could someone still be as "excited" about life when those freaks are in power?

Only if they were a mindless sick fuck like you. It's called having a working pair of eyes and a conscience you ditzy old tramp. If you're really a mom, your kids hate you.


First you called me a virgin, and now you're calling me a tramp. Please do make up your mind, sweetie!

My kids also love Pres. Biden. I'm sorry you're still a virgin. It explains the hostility! LOL!!!



Oh please don't hurt my feelings, Mr. Impotent!!


Nothing is more impotent than your sarcasm, you sad old hag.

Might have impressed me when I was 3.


I think their TDS has rendered them impotent, may be hope for the future.


They may not be able to give but they're still able to receive!

There is more than one way to get your kicks.


Their buttholes are always open for business.


You seem to know a lot about buttholes.


Wow, that was real crusher. Don't know how I'll recover from that one.


Do your farm animals enjoy it as much as yourself?





you missed out 496 more "🤣" faces. You need that many to fully demonstrate just how desperate you are to try and pretend I wasnt right about you and your fleshlights.


The projection is absolutely hysterical!! What is a fleshlight anyway? I'm a married mom!


Projection of what, onto what?

(More chance of Santa knocking on my door right now than you being able to answer that, lol)


As I said, I have no idea what a fleshlight is. I don't think I even want to know. LOL!!


Something most Biden voting basement dwellers use.


You seem to be the expert on it...


You seem to think you're going to win a Nobel Prize cause you can put "you seem" on the beginning of things.


And as I said, you couldnt tell me what the "projection" involved was. So there... all your comments are meaningless.


I live in a very liberal town.
When I tell chicks at the bar I voted for Trump, they would throw their drinks in my face.
(Hey! Free booze!)
Then I took a cue from Trump.
When I lie and say I voted for Biden, Snatch City!



Not enough action in yours?

Just figure out where the libs girls hang out.
You get to proxy fuck Biden!


It was a joke... about... dead people voting?

No? Okay dude. whatever. Im not into chicks btw.
