MovieChat Forums > Politics > ANOTHER Michigan mass shooting

ANOTHER Michigan mass shooting

The gunman who killed three Michigan State University students and critically wounded five others had a list of other targets, two handguns and plenty of ammunition when police found him on foot after the campus massacre, authorities revealed Thursday.

After gunfire terrorized the East Lansing campus Monday evening, an alert citizen who saw news coverage helped lead police to 43-year-old Anthony Dwayne McRae about 4 miles northwest of campus, authorities said.

Suspected BLM member

The gunman in the Michigan State University shooting previously pleaded guilty to a firearm charge.

McRae was arrested in 2019 and charged for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, a felony. He later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for possession of a loaded firearm and spent a year and a half on probation.


terrible news, hopefully Keeliar will be here soon to tell us how bad guns are.


As I have thought and have proven no one cares when a black person murders a bunch of people.


its ok for blacks to murder, we all know this by now.


Where does it mention he is part of BLM or is that your way of trolling and click baiting?


McRae is African-American and is a proud BLM supporter.


The article you linked to does not mention BLM at all.

So until you show and tell, I will just take it as your way of trolling and click baiting.


Yeah it does.

"McRae was known to be a black lives matter supporter in the community during the protests of George Floyd."


I'm still not seeing it.
Exactly which bold and large text headline or paragraph heading is it under?

In any case, what is your point in your claim he might allegedly have taken part in BLM actions?


He is a one of a number of disinfo trolls assigned/camped out at Movie Chat, so that's why you're not seeing it. A lot of them will make up fake excerpts and post as if it's in the article they linked to. This is one of their tactics, to link to an article, create a fake excerpt and post it in quotes. They pull this tactic on many sites, including Flipboard and MSN News.

Movie Chat is infested with disinfo. There are no real posters here. I just registered here to document everything, so no one thinks I'm crazy when I say that most comments sections and forum are filled with the same types no matter where you go online.


OK thanx for letting me know and clearing that up.

Odd that someone would lie like that even though it is obvious they do.


These people are assigned to open forums like this one. It's why they're here and in other places 24/7. Many of them have been here for years and holdovers from the IMDB. About a year or two ago, I kept registering and unregistering from this site and others in frustration over how out of hand the trolling situation has gotten, but then I thought, "Why not just stick around, see what they're up to, figure out their methods and document the whole thing?"

This is how these weasels hope to defeat Americans, by posing as them and shit posting so everyone's confused about who is posting.


I think most of them are just crackpots or trolls, such as Bubba the OP, doing it for their own grins and gigs.


I sent a PM. 😁


You are also a LemmingChatGPT bot considering you just signed up 9 days ago. You sure do know a lot about me and MC for just being here a short time.


I would say you are LemmingChatGPT bot considering you just signed up 24 days ago. You sure do know a lot about me and MC for just being here a short time.


The OP is part of a large roster of foreign national trolls at Movie Chat that includes TheArgentinian, HarveyManFredSin and so many others, who spend eight hours a day trolling US-based stories and posting B.S.

I would bet you that only maybe 1% of people who post here are real.
