MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are cons obsessed with trans people?

Why are cons obsessed with trans people?

And now they're obsessed with weather balloons! They are really the least constructive party in 100 years, when they were similarly destructive, and it led to Dem dominance in Congress for decades.


Because the libtards keep accusing Conservatives of being anti-trans which they aren’t. They are just defending themselves against the lefts character assassination.




All truth. Your cult is lying to you.


They are a party without a platform. All they have is fake outrage and conspiracy theories.


Bingo! Idiocy fanned by mainstream media (Fox News, anyway--the most-watched cable news channel must be termed mainstream, though they are completely Looney Tunes!)


so you think that a dude can give birth, that i can identify as a cat, and my pronouns are mia/ow, and i'm the looney tunes?!

how does that work cupcake!!?


I'd also like to know this.


it's a childish liberal logic

AOC wants people in NY to wear masks, close small businesses, use a app.... then she goes to florida and without mask, you dare question it? "YOU WANNA BANG HER! YOU'RE OBSESSED!"

we are told we are bigots for not using stupid fucking pronouns and pretending a mentally ill dude is a broad - "YOU'RE OBSESSED!"

conservatives, we are mainly libertarian, it's you idiots who want to force this shit down our throats and when we say something, we're obsessed!?


And you ARE also obsessed with AOC! And with the tiny percentage of people who are gender-fluid.


hahahahaha i think AOC is a child playing at politics! as for gender fluid people i feel sorry for them, i really hope they get the help they need. we shouldn't be encouraging mental illness.


Exactly, the only reason this is even an issue is because the left wants it to be an issue so they can further divide us into subgroups of the oppressed and oppressors. It’s beyond sick and divisive


Why are trans people obsessed with little children?


Because liberals and trannies are suddenly obsessed with exposing themselves to our children.


Why is anybody obsessed with trans people?

Probably because they're the ones who are always screaming for attention, inclusion, affirmation, normalization, and a lot of other stuff they need help with from other people, because the only way to defend something indefensible is with forced popularity and echo chamber dynamics. Lots of people telling them only what they want to hear.

They need people constantly padding them in the head and telling them there's nothing wrong with them. They need people.
