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ON TRIAL Transgender woman ‘raped two females with HER penis

A TRANSGENDER woman has gone on trial accused of raping two females with "her penis".

Isla Bryson, 31, denies allegations at the High Court in Glasgow that she carried out two sex assaults four years apart.

Bryson, formerly known as Adam Graham, faced four charges when she appeared on the first day of her trial before Judge Lord Scott.

Defence advocate Edward Targowski KC told the court his client was pleading not guilty to all the charges and was lodging a special defence of consent to two.

Advocate depute John Keenan KC read out a joint minute of agreement to the jury stating that Bryson’s ‘dead name’ was Adam Graham.

The note of agreed facts explained a ‘dead name’ is the name “a transgender person was given at birth and no longer uses upon transitioning”.

Mr Keenan told the jury Bryson, of Clydebank, now identifies as a transgender woman and is in the process of starting surgery to complete gender reassignment.

He revealed a letter from the accused’s GP, Dr Craig Napier, dated August 5 last year confirmed Bryson was “currently receiving the maximum recommended doses of Spironolactone and Finasteride” - a hormone prescription from Glasgow’s specialist sexual health service Sandyford Clinic.

The court heard the letter also confirms Bryson was also offered an appointment from the Sandyford Clinic within the next year with the intention of prescribing further hormone treatment.

It was further agreed in the joint minute that Bryson had sex with one woman on June 27, 2019 - which the accused insists was consensual.

The first alleged assault is said to have happened on September 16, 2016, at a property in Clydebank when it’s claimed Bryson penetrated a woman and “did thus rape her”.

The charge further alleges Bryson pulled down the woman’s clothing, struggled with her, and restrained her.

The jury also heard allegations the accused, having committed the alleged rape and being conscious of her guilt, instructed the woman, who can’t be named for legal reasons, to “wash bedding” the day after on September 17.

It’s further claimed Bryson instructed the woman “not to disclose to anyone the events” said to have taken place the previous day.

It’s alleged Bryson went on to “threaten her family should she do so” and this was part of an attempt to “destroy evidence”, “avoid detection, arrest and prosecution” and “defeat the ends of justice”.

The jury heard of another alleged sex assault on another woman said to have happened at a flat in Glasgow on June 27, 2019.

It’s alleged that after having engaged in consensual sexual activity, Bryson sexually assaulted her.

The indictment further alleges she bit the woman, lay on top of her, seized her by the body and restrained her.

The charge went on to allege Bryson went on to rape the woman “to her injury.”

A fourth charge claims Bryson assaulted the woman on June 28, 2019, by punching her on the body.

Bryson denies all the charges and has lodged a special defence of consent in relation to the rape claims.

The trial, expected to last five days, continues.

Her penis? That doesn't sound right.


She will have a bunch of prisoners pregnant when she goes to prison.


She was obviously enacting maleness when she did it. Toxic masculinity again rears its ugly head. Even women aren't immune.


Thanks Democrat voters...


She will fight and win to be transferred to an all woman's prison.

Has happened in the uk before, they like putting rapists in their hunting grounds


It's cultural subversion and demoralization meant to confuse and destabilize a society and ultimately bring it to it's knees.
