MovieChat Forums > Politics > To WhoToTrust, Satan2016, & moviechatter...

To WhoToTrust, Satan2016, & moviechatterer, YOU DISGUST ME!!

I almost barfed on your ignorant replies. You Obfuscate, Deny, Dismiss, Deflect the truth about the sons-of-bitches Democrat governors. Cuomo was the worst. A Navy medical ship was brought into a New York port to treat the general public (those without Covid) due to the on site hospitals being over run with Covid patients.

What does the asshole Cuomo do? He ordered nursing homes to take Covid patients and you numbskulls were OK with that action! As a result it was the beginning of thousands dying! He then ordered the Navy medical ship to take patients. Personnel on the ship remarked they weren’t equipped to treat Covid patients. So it continued to spread!

Not a word of empathy for the elderly and their families shown in the links posted by beancrisp. I cried when I watched it. I lived it! My husband had a stroke in June of 2020. I wasn’t permitted to visit him in the hospital. He died a week later. As I wrote you are a disgusting lot who shouldn’t be permitted to breathe air. You three are part of the Covid thugs. You have no souls and all you can do is bitch about is Trump! You swallowed the lies hook, line & sinker from Lord Fauci and the damn-them-to-hell Democrats.

BTW, moviechaterer, your reply is devoid of anything heartfelt…just stupidity…damn you! This is your response after viewing the links from beanscrisp?

” I can justify it .
its very simple .
infectious disease at large - DO NOT gather in groups .
Churches: gathers in groups.


It's the president's job to defend the country against pandemics and epidemics, therefore the buck stopped with Trump.

Two former presidents Bush 2 and Obama left clear information for subsequent presidents to follow. Trump ignored it! Just prior to Covid's appearance, Trump had defunded health agencies and withdrew the American medical team in China who were there to give us early warning about any possible viral threat.

Trump kept the threat quiet for weeks against advice from his own administration. Then, he downplayed it! Finally, he told millions of Americans to NOT follow medical and scientific advice which allowed the virus to unnecessarily kill hundreds of thousands and made the U.S. among the worst hit countries in the world.

Cuomo followed federal medical guidelines for nursing homes at that time. Hindsight is 20/20.

You have my condolences in regard to your husband. But, would he have wanted you to risk your life by becoming seriously ill or dying by entering a facility where the virus was rampant?
