MovieChat Forums > Politics > Anthony Quinn Warner - Nashville Bombing...

Anthony Quinn Warner - Nashville Bombing Person of Interest (Female voice warning to evacuate) (FBI/ATF at house) (some interesting tidbits)

Anthony Quinn Warner is a 63-year-old Tennessee man who is a person of interest in the explosion of a parked RV in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas morning, according to CBS News. An RV similar to the one used in the Nashville bombing was parked at Warner’s home address in images available on Google Maps and Google Earth.

“FBI agents spent the days at another location today besides searching the home of Anthony Warner, pursuing tips that he was paranoid about 5G spying on Americans.” Since the pandemic hit, conspiracy theories have raged that 5G cell phone towers spread COVID-19; scientists have found the claims baseless, according to BBC. In May, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned of the potential for attacks by 5G conspiracy theorists against cell towers and wireless providers.

Warner, who is unmarried and childless, is self-employed in the IT area, a neighbor said; state records show he once was licensed as an alarm contractor, with a specialty in burglar alarm installation. In recent years, he lost a father and brother, leaving him with few living family members. Documents show Warner transferred the home to a Los Angeles woman a month before the blast, however. Warner doesn’t have any obvious/confirmed social media profiles to emerge so far.

He was quiet, kept to himself.” Even though she’s lived near him for 25 years, the neighbor said she’s never known his last name. She described Warner as a white male with a “slight” build, standing about about 5'5" tall, with “grayish hair, kind of long.” She noticed that the RV, which had been parked in his yard, was moved a couple days ago, and it’s not there now. She said Warner has lived at the home since at least 1995. The home is assessed at $89,900.

The bombing puzzled many as to motive because the bomber made deliberate efforts to encourage people to evacuate the area using a recorded message of a woman telling people to leave. The recording was interspersed with music and included a countdown, authorities said. However, the bombing also disabled a major communication network, because it occurred near a significant AT&T facility; CNN reported that it knocked out much of the region’s wireless service and that authorities are investigating whether it was the bomber’s target.

Authorities told CNN the explosion was likely a suicide bombing.

You know the funny part? The conspiracists (from the right of course) are trying to tie this to Dominion voting machine since AT&T were checking up on it or something. Gotta love how conspiracies use both facts and fiction then mash them together so it looks convincing.

There is rampant speculation this attack has something to do with he 2020 Presidential election as AT&T and this building and the functioning of this building were integral to the auditing of Dominion servers, the voting machines and mechanism that are being questioned. That would make this domestic (perhaps with foreign actors/funding) and politically motivated.

It is just as likely however, this was a test of the impact of taking out one of these communication nodes. That leads to speculation this is part of a much wider, coordinated plan for events yet to come and raises the specter of State-sponsored terrorism. One bomb next to one communication node can cripple a large swath of real estate. Several simultaneous or sequential attacks would cripple our communications Nationwide, first by taking out large geographic areas then by overwhelming what hasn’t been damaged – think rolling blackouts, but of communications.

It is also possible this was homegrown terrorists who were targeting police. If so, that plan is an epic fail as the police are being hailed as heroes for risking their lives under the threat of an imminent bomb attack to warn, evacuate and save civilians. You know, doing their jobs.

The real concern here is this was just the first of its kind of such attacks. The next time a suspiciously placed vehicle starts announcing a bomb threat, it will be a much bigger bomb with a much, much bigger blast area designed to take out the police and first responders who will flood the area and set up what they assume to be a safe perimeter. Or, the bomb will go off faster to take out the police who are trying to evacuate people.



Why isn't anyone saying anything about the possible blm thing.

reply (colored) (Seinfeld)

Apparently he had a dry sense of humor. This was playing on the RV along with the evacuation notice before the explosion happened. Kinda fitting when you hear it.
