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So will Trump attend Biden's Inaguration?

I think we all know that there is almost no chance Trump will actually concede to Biden like an adult, but what are the chances that he mans up and attends the inauguration? I just can't see him standing there quietly while Biden takes the oath.


I doubt he would attend. Nor should he.




No. It's humiliating to watch someone who beat you take your job. It's akin to being fired from your job and having to stand there as they show your replacement your old desk and the entire office has a party with fireworks.


Almost every President before him has done it. It's customary. Hell Obama and Hillary sat there and watched his inauguration. I think the only person that wanted to be there less than those two was Melania.


Hilary should have boycotted.


You're really asking? Look at his record first off. Didn't attend John McCain funeral, didn't attend Correspondence Dinner, didn't attend John Lewis funeral, booed on RGB funeral just to name a few.
