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Convicted Hunter business partner released 26k emails relating to Biden dealings.

Hunter's former business partner Bevan Cooney, who went to prison for criminal investment dealings, believed he was a "fall guy" who was sacrificed to keep Hunter out of jail. He's hinted at releasing damaging material about the Bidens before and is finally doing it, so it's not like this came out of nowhere.

According to crack researcher and author Peter Schweizer, who received the material and is still going through it, the ones published so far are just the beginning.

"“The emails, there are different types of emails,” Schweizer said. “Many of the emails are the business partners discussing, without Hunter’s participation, what Hunter’s role is in all of this. What’s very clear, and we will have reporting on this at Breitbart, what’s very clear is Hunter brings no money to the table. But he is considered the avenue to the administration. There are emails that talk about how they are going to do business deals where they want to get union pension money and that Hunter is going to leverage the relationships that his dad has with public employee unions to get that money. So part of it is just kind of a feel for what is the Biden business model, and we kind of knew this in a way but here it’s very explicit that it is trading off the Biden name, the Biden connections, and the Biden access. The other way I would categorize this is geographical. The one we have already broke was a story related to China. There are other emails involving China. The private equity deal—the billion and a half dollar private equity deal—that we’ve reported on. There are emails concerning that, which we will bring out which are quite interesting. There are ones that pertain to Yelena Baturina, she’s the Moscow mayor’s ex-wife who we should add the U.S. State Department has implicated as being tied with Russian organized crime. We’re going to be able to show that that relationship is much deeper and much longer than previously known and that Hunter Biden and his business partners performed various services for her in terms of deals in the United States. And then there are other geographical areas covered. There are deals involving Kazakhstan. There are deals in other parts of the world. There are references to Hunter Biden’s dealings in the Middle East. So there’s quite a bit of material there—26,000 emails, some of them obviously are personal. We’re not going to disclose anything that is personal. It’s all going to be business-related, but we’ll be rolling it out in the days ahead.”"


Don’t you know, Twitter debunked it. All 26,000 emails debunked in 15 seconds.


That was fast, and they investigated Trump for 2 years and found nothing.


Hunter's official reply to this story is :

"I never met the guy. I think he went out and got us coffee a few times, but I don't know him personally".

That should take care of that for Trumptards. Time to manufacture a new story.


Tell me something, dogdump. Is Devon Archer one of Hunter's business partners? Wasn't he on that golf photo too, with Hunter and daddy Joe? Isn't he convicted of fraud and is going to jail? Such good company he associates and does business with, eh dogdump? None of this has anything to do with Hunter's stellar and impeccable character, yes?

Now just look sad and say D'oh. 😥😥😥


Hunter officially said that he has many business partners, thousands of them, and he doesn't know all of them because some of them just go and get the others coffee.

He said he and his dad play golf with hundreds, if not thousands, of people a day - he doesn't know all of them. Men and women come up to Hunter and his dad all the time, and say 'can we join your golf game?' and they say 'sure, join in...'. Hunter said when the crowd gets too big, he points to Trump and his two sons, and suggests the overflow goes and plays with the Trumps. But no one leaves the Bidens.


I don't care how many partners he claims to have. Are you saying he doesn't remember the business partner he took the photo with with the Burisma exec, himself and his dad with? Selective memory, eh dogdump? How convenient, yes?

You do remember that Joe said he NEVER asked his son about his work. Tell me dogdump, what kind of father doesn't ask their own son how are things? A deadbeat one, yes? Is Biden a deadbeat dad? I think not, thus it's more likely than not he knew.

I don't care how willfully ignorant you want to be, just look sad and say D'oh. 😥😥😥


Hunter said he doesn't remember, and he takes pictures with hundreds of people a day.

BTW, I doubt very much Trump asks his sons "how are things". He can't even name his kids. The only one he's 'interested' in is his daughter/mistress Ivanka.


It’s the crack is why he doesn’t remember, yes?

Doesn’t matter either way. A picture speaks a thousand words, doesn’t it?

Yeah, maybe Biden is a deadbeat dad. Hunter is a trust fund baby. Like father like son, yes?


He said he and his dad play golf with hundreds, if not thousands, of people a day - he doesn't know all of them.


I see you're as much a drooling moron as ever. Take your defeat lap.

In all seriousness you would have been Stalin's eager gopher. Servile, totalitarian cannon fodder with a conditioned disregard for truth. People like you are how freedom crushing regimes like that seize power.


Idiot Trumptard alert!

You actually fell for my satirizing everything Trump has said about his ade Papadapolous to friends Lev and Igor.

"I never met them!" LOLOLOLOLOL!

You're as much of a drooling Trumptard as ever. I'll take my victory lap once again.


Peter Schweizer has written several highly-rated books on government corruption, just check Amazon. One lead to a criminal investigation.

If you google "Peter Schweizer Biden", you won't find this Breitbart article there! You will see a related article with Breitbart in the title.

Breitbart should share the emails with another news outlet, to make it more visible and split the workload.


For anyone wanting the real scoop on the Cold War and its climax, as well one of the best, detailed accounts outlining the motive for President Reagan's entire political career, I recommend Reagan's War, by Schweizer. It's relatively short but fact filled, readable, and important to understanding modern history. It presents an unassailable case that, as Polish freedom fighter Lech Walesa and countless others have said, Reagan is chiefly responsible for winning the Cold War.

I agree about sharing the email workload.
