MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can we all agree that the BLM movement i...

Can we all agree that the BLM movement is the greatest epic FAIL of the modern era?

Approval ratings for BLM have dropped BELOW where they stood BEFORE George Floyd's death. Many people have been killed due to the movement. Many more have suffered life altering injuries. The cores of many American cities have been burned to the ground. Many people have lost their livelihood, and many of these are black businessmen and women. A major crime wave is sweeping over many cities due to the violent influence of the riots and slashed police budgets. Despite the media's attempt to deny that protesting and rioting was a COVID risk and refusal by health agencies to track the cases stemming from the riots, OF COURSE many COVID infections were caused by the shoulder-to-shoulder screaming chanting mobs. Plus, public reaction to the riots has caused a sizable drop in Biden's poll numbers and may well cost him the election.

Could a political movement have resulted in more damage to its own cause, even if it TRIED?


I think its brought many issues to the forefront culminating in the shitshow world we live in right now. The destruction of the traditional family, the corruption of the media, and blantant indoctrination that is being done in our schools.


Yeah. I guess raising the younger generation on a diet of cop-killing sprees in GTA, Gangsta Rap, ritalin and school lessons about how "evil" the foundations of American history are wasn't such a good idea after all. You reap what you sow.


I don't know yet how it's going to work but Trump is right with wanting to get some form of "Pro-America" curriculum back into our schools.


I agree with you 100%. I have been monitoring my son's social studies assignments since he started school and I constantly have to "fact check" with him on the drivel they assign, and provide him with all the information they leave out. Personally I hope that some way to purge the Leftists from all levels of education can be found. We do not need socialist indoctrination in our classrooms. How can a country expect to maintain its position in the world when its children are being taught to hate and be ashamed of it in school?
