MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden’s mask proposal is wrong.

Biden’s mask proposal is wrong.

I run five days a week 40 minutes at a time. I keep social distance but I do not know if I could run if I had to wear a mask. I have not eaten restaurant food since the lockdown began.


Yeah Creepy Joe is full of shit if he think the federal government can force a mask mandate at all times based on bullshit science. He was pulling numbers and nonsense out of his ass.


Try actually reading the news or listening to it. Biden was asking governors to require their states to mandate mask wearing. It just makes sense. There have been more than enough stories of people who make fun of masks or argued about it and then got the virus and recanted their stupid words. This is not joke, and it could kill anyone.


The thing is most governor's already put mask mandates in place so no federal mandate make sense. You can be a paranoid germaphobe all you want by wearing a mask but if I choose not wear one it's my right and I pose no threat to you. Any science that says otherwise is total bullshit.


Biden never asked for a federal mandate. Listen to his proposal again - he’s talking to 50 Governors, not Trump.

Trumps bruised ego couldn’t take it, so he made it about himself.

Easy to find all over TV.


Just keep on spinning and lying. If you cared about things that did not make sense you'd never get to Biden because you would be so busy with Trump's lies and crimes. Another troll going on ignore.


I agree, there are times when we do not need to wear a mask. But maybe the first step is getting people to all wear them just to set the habit. Then we can say remove then when you are exercising outside of 6-12 feet from other people.

I wear a mask whenever I am around people, or anywhere not my own house indoors. I have to say though that there are times with certain masks that there is enough space in the mask that I feel like I am re-breathing my stale air, and feel like I can't catch my breathe. I'm pretty sure I could not do strenuous exercise with that mask on. Some people do not even wear their mask right. I say a guy at a super-market with just the top part of his mask on and the lower part hanging down free.

I also wear my wraparound sunglasses to avoid getting anything in my eyes or touching my eyes.

