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Mostly white BLM mob attacks black families eating with kids; black customer's VIDEO captures the truth about BLM.

This is a must watch video. The innocent bystander filming this at a Dallas restaurant, Damani Felder, spends the 12 minute clip dissecting Black Lives Matter as the Marxist fraud it is while filming proof of what he's saying unfold around him in real time. Among other things the mob chanted profanity feet away from little black children, started violent altercations, broke windows, and eventually forced cops to show up in force using pepper spray to secure the area, ruining everyone's evening.

Perhaps the most poignant excerpt:

"Y'all have a right to see what the real agenda is...this was people of all races, all nationalities out here having a good time, and these people came out here and they created a scene. They created this chaos, that's what they want, and now they've ruined this evening, essentially, because they cannot express themselves like actual adults. All they care about right now is creating this manufactured outrage, this chaos....We were all having a great time. There was live music. There was a black person out here performing. He had to stop, because these fools out here continue to foment this chaos and discord wherever they can....."

(he joins some others in thanking or applauding the cops who are marching past, dominating the street to restore the order the people had before the leftist mob arrived)

"Everyone else out here--white people, black people, Hispanic, Asian--we were all out here enjoying ourselves...and that wasn't enough. Because for these literal, self-admitted, self described cultural Marxists, they want to continue to foment this outrage. And what's worse is it's arbitrary outrage..What we had at this restaurant was the epitome of racial unity. We had people of all nationalities out here enjoying their dinners, having a great time, and they had to come out here and destroy this."


It’s gonna be funny when blacks don’t even support BLM. They hate whiny white liberals more than white people.


I wonder if any companies are quietly regretting all that "We support Black Lives Matter!" virtue signaling. Most of it was done in a panic, without any deep thought.


Nah. Companies like Bank of America make promises to get the headlines of “donating a billion to BLM”. In the end it’ll turn out to be a few million in tax right offs and CRA loans that they would have done anyways.


This is so sad, those poor white liberals. Can't you guys just see how oppressed they are? They're more oppressed than blacks. It's the new type of narcissist behavior taught in schools or rather twisted in their racists favor. They're taught about slavery and white oppression but it seems to have warped the mind of these folk into thinking... wait a minute, they've been taught that being white is oppressive so now they feel oppressed because of their skin and are now showing how oppressed they are... Guess that's the take on what they learned. Was suppose to be in blacks favor but nu uh not anymore. Blacks need to absolve them now else they'll feel continuing oppressed.


I bet white people are mad about it when inventing guns and then reading that black people are only allowed to kill black people.
