MovieChat Forums > Politics > The goal of BLM is not to end racism but...

The goal of BLM is not to end racism but to increase it

The movement is clearly not interested in equality or justice but rather their main goal is to increase racism in order to use that as a pretext to make demands. More importantly they are more interested in subjugating white people and making them "bend the knee" than they are in treating people equally. The death of Floyd is nothing but a pretext for them to push their cultural marxist agenda into the country.


They could not care less about George Floyd, all they care about is exploiting his death as an excuse to riot, burn buildings and terrorize major cities. The left for the past 3.5 years have not cared about anything other than hurting President Trump and they haven't given one crap who else gets hurt in the process. The left does not care about you, all they care about is them having power.


Exactly, the whole thing with George Floyd is just an excuse for them to set in motion their real plan: cultural revolution.


True. That's why it's more important than ever that the left be defeated.


The "right" is powerless to stop it.


Hogwash. It's a question of will and organization.


But the right has neither the will nor the organization.


At this point the 2020 election is a matter of national survival. At least it will determine whether the USA has a chance to survive in its current form. We'll see what Americans do.


We'll see but I really think that we are witnessing the end of America as we know it. This current cultural revolution will bring it to it's knees. It really seems inevitable.


Never give up. Never surrender.


You know that Biden would just be a puppet President anyways, in reality Schumer, Pelosi, Cortez, Waters, etc. would be calling the shots and that means Defund the police, take away guns, let violent criminals out of jail, don't enforce the border laws, higher taxes, give healthcare to illegal immigrants and get everyone on food stamps.


Also massive anti-white racism like they have been showing now.


More like racism towards whites. They would probably have a federal mandate that all students in every year of K-12 education have to take an "anti-white privilege" course.




Even blacks see it. Right now things seem so divided because they’re divided so evenly. They have been really since HW Bush was President.

The Democrats always miscalculate. Always overplay their hand. And the country backlashes. Even despite the fact they have education, media, entertainment, big tech. They still find ways to lose.

Before Fox News. Before Rush Limbaugh. There was zero conservative media. And we still got Nixon re-elected with over 60%. Reagan re-elected with 49/50 states. The media was just as left wing back then. Maybe not as militant but they certainly weren’t moderate. Remember how they fawned over the Kennedys.

The bottom line is progressive Democrat policies fail. They always fail. For the entire history of the world communism fails. It only helps the most minute minority in charge and crushes productivity and innovation.

It’s why the people of Russia and a China look and act so miserable. It’s why people die trying to leave those countries. It’s why they’re forced to build walls to keep people in. And it’s why they risk it all trying to get here.

Just because the silent majority is busy making the country prosper doesn’t mean they don’t care. They just don’t have the time to spend their days and nights in the street having worthless tantrums.
