MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trumpers explode with anger: “Bubba don’...

Trumpers explode with anger: “Bubba don’t like it Bubba should go find a new profession!”

Racist Republicans and Trumpers are exploding with anger over NASCAR's decision to ban Confederate Flags at all NASCAR events and properties. How dare they! Keep in mind, 80 percent of NASCAR fans are white and 37% are Southerners - so do the math.

The outrage flooded NASCAR's Facebook page, as angry racists vented their thoughts.

“Your fans were slim to none prior to COVID. Good luck on filling those stands,” said one commenter, obviously a graduate from an Ivy League School. “This sport has went [sic] to complete crap. The next thing they will ban is the prayer at the beginning of races because God forbid it ‘offends’ someone.”

“Bubba don’t like it Bubba should go find a new profession!” wrote one commenter, who belongs to MENSA, no doubt. “Don’t come into a sport and try to change it! Not that he’s any good anyways!”

The 'Bubba' he's referring to is not our own Bubbathenut, but Bubba Wallace - the first black NASCAR driver from 1971, who voiced his concerns which led to the change.

Another day in Trumpworld.



Looks like doggielemming got his marching orders for the day. Good boy.


Got it from Daily Stormer and Daily Caller.


Is that who this moron "MelaniasMirror" is, LOL? Is Doggiedaddy's account kaput, in "Moviechat jail" or something as he's frequently falsely accused others' of being?


His original posts are max 1 sentence. 3 o’clock comes and suddenly it’s like 20 posts of copied walls of text. Classic Doggielemming. Just needs to T-Rump.

Stand up for doggielemming!


Bump, since GD5150 is desperately trying to hide these recent posts.


What about bubba?


Bubba is being told to find a new profession. What's funny is the Trumpers who are telling him to find a new profession most likely never had a profession in their lives (collecting welfare is not a profession).


There is always tractor pulling for rednecks who find NASCAR too challenging.


LOL! And that's going to be the major attraction at the Trump rally on Juneteenth! Buy your tickets now!


Once again millions of innocent people are blamed for a crime they had nothing to do with. Anti-Southern bigots love seizing on any excuse to attack the South. People sporting the rebel flag because it represents regional cultural heritage had nothing to do with a cop abusing his power in freaking Minnesota. This is a particularly nasty form of virtue signaling.


Once again millions of innocent people are blamed for a crime they had nothing to do with.

You are so simple-minded. You really are. I can't even read the garbage you post.
