MovieChat Forums > Politics > Pres. Trump's awesome visit to Saint Joh...

Pres. Trump's awesome visit to Saint John's was a blow in favor of religious freedom, and a victory for the good guys.

If CNN hacks like Anderson Cooper are whining about something then it's probably a great thing for Americans.

People have been prevented for months from exercising their First Amendment right to attend church, yet told (by Democrats) that things like liquor stores, marijuana dispensaries, and even illegal, anti-American street riots can operate freely (but truly peaceful protests where good citizens were merely demanding the right to work and live their own lives are excoriated and lied about by liberals with no attempt at sympathy or understanding).

In fact some lying morons would have us believe that we're supposed to accept an illegal mob had the right to physically block the President of the United States from walking across the street and attending church.

After watching hours of the violent, treasonous DC protesters breach barriers at the White House (the symbol of the whole nation), injure numerous Secret Service agents with bricks and other weapons, assault reporters, deface monuments like the Lincoln and WW2 memorials, burn US flags, and set fire to the Saint John's church next to the White House, which every President since Madison had attended over the centuries, it was satisfying to see agents finally do what they should have done the first night and kick their asses out of the street.

Then the President, who transcends an individual you may or may not like and represents the entire nation, openly walked across the street where the heart of the mob had previously claimed their conquered territory, to visit the church (flipping the previous day's CNN propaganda point about him supposedly "hiding" on its head, lol; now they've gone back to their usual claims that he's a "bully", which is also false) and give a great speech.

It was a great symbolic gesture and a reassuring moment for most Americans, who have no voice in the despicable media.

Churches are back open and the riots will be closed down.

Time for the good guys to dominate the streets.


If Trump is so awesome and dynamic and stupendously fantastical as you believe, why doesn't he call ahead to make sure no one's going to bitch about his actions?

Are we to expect Trump to call this archbishop a weak loser now?

Easily avoided with a simple phone call.


Hogwash. Neither or I most honest people care what some leftist hack posing as a clergyman says. The same crowd pulls this stuff on issues like illegal immigration too, while largely remaining silent on the mass slaughter of babies. They're activists.

They don't represent most Christians, that's for sure. President Trump is more aligned with Christians, Orthodox Jews, and regular attendees of most religions.

PS - If you want to know the truth, with context, "MSN" is a terrible place to start, LOL.


"some leftist hack posing as a clergyman"

Tweet that out and see if Orange Crush retweets it.


I don't have a twitter account, LOL.

But I think the President will do just fine with religious folks being firmly on the side of religious freedom, standing against church burners.


Is this some strategy Kushner came up with? "Let's piss off Episcopalians, Catholics, North Carolinans(?); Alabamans(?) . We'll get more votes, net, that way!


Good luck trying to convince people that the party defending the crowd that set the church on fire and that's been trampling the First Amendment by claiming that religious services are "non-essential" is somehow suddenly pro religion.

All Trump did was show up at Church. He didn't set it on fire or do anything to "piss off" regular believers who aren't already hard core leftist activists, who, of course, make up a small minority of the religious.


He thinks everyone has twatter and fakebook lol!




"It was a great symbolic gesture and a reassuring moment for most Americans, who have no voice in the despicable media."

It was a sensationalized photo op for clueless knuckleheads like you Helen!


No, that's what the "protests" were for easily manipulated morons like you, Suzie. What Trump did was something I was calling for long before he did it.
