MovieChat Forums > Politics > 1:30 PM: The DOW is below when Obama lef...

1:30 PM: The DOW is below when Obama left Office

The DOW is officially trading now at a level that is lower than Obama's last day in Office on January 19, 2017.

As of 1:30 pm, with only 2.5 hours to go, the DOW is trading at 19,201 - a drop of nearly 2,000 points from yesterday. Obama's last day saw the DOW at 19,805 - eight years of solid, steady increases.

“Since my election, U.S. stock markets have soared 70 percent,” President Trump bragged at his State of the Union address in February, before claiming that this bull market was “transcending anything anyone believed was possible.”

This was boasted about before he took the Corona Virus seriously - as he mocked it all through February, as well as the first two weeks in March calling it a 'Democratic hoax' along with his friends at FOX.

Keep in mind, T-rump did another presser around noon, right before the stocks went into free- fall. Coincidence ?


Still come November you vote either Donald or the crusty old commie.


I just want to see how Trump reacts to the stocks cratering since he always bragged about the stock market while it was going up. Most of us who were around in '99 or '08 know that stock markets go up and down. Trump's main argument for re-election has been the economy so we'll have to see how this downturn will impact him in November.


And it closed below 20,000 - we're back to the Obama era. Give T-rump a microphone and some air time, and watch the stocks plummet.


27,005.84 +165.44 (0.62%)

wheres doogie? Trump misses you.


You know what else is down? All of the world market indicators as well. Did Trump cause that too? Is so, pray tell how? If not, then maybe there's another factor at hand, yes? Ignorance is Strength, innit? Then again, what else is new?🤪🤪🤪


You know what else is down?

Yes, I can name a few...

1. Your credibility.

2. Your IQ.

3. Everyone's interest in what you have to say on this forum.

Want me to continue?


I think your paperwork is not in order. You're looking at notes of yourself. 🤪🤪🤪


Trumpers will of course blame Obama for leaving it there.


They're awfully quiet about the new high of 19,900+ don't you think ?


26,287.03 +459.67 (1.78%)

RIP doogie.


We had a similar idea.

Maybe doggie was so humiliated by his celebrations of the (very temporary) stock decline still all over the board, in the face of the subsequent record stock surge, that he shed his skin, molting like a snake, and donned the sock account Melania'sMirror.


Possibly so, I was thinking that he forget his password so he had to create a new account. lol

