MovieChat Forums > Politics > Great jobs report smashes expectations. ...

Great jobs report smashes expectations. 273,000 for Feb.; wages stay strong; unemployment lowest in over 50 years.

And the previous two months were revised upward by 243,000. Wages continue their 19 consecutive month long streak of 3% or more y/y growth each month since mid 2018, something the US hadn't seen for a long time. For perspective the entire eight year Obama presidency only saw 4 months of 3% wage growth, and those were his first four months in 2009.

I'm not one who's been talking about how awesome monthly job numbers have been. They've been solid but I think wage growth and job openings (which gives workers options) have been the more impressive metrics. However these numbers are truly great across the board. Nor have I paid a ton of attention to the nominal unemployment rate because it sometimes only tells part of the story, but the lowest unemployment rate in over 50 years is worth noting and is great news. Period.

Most of this report occurred before the concern over the corona virus got too intense (though Trump took that early, decisive action of restricting travel to China back in January), but at the very least this adds yet more proof that the economic fundamentals were very strong before the Chinese virus hit, and may still be if excessive disruption can be avoided.


If we have 'the lowest unemployment in 50 years', then wages should be increasing far more the 3% y/y . So with the lowest unemployment in 50 years, Americans are still living 'paycheck to paycheck' thanks to T-rump. Here is what you and the other T-rumpanzees are celebrating:


Since Trump's presidency is such a disaster his minions scream that it's all about the economy which actually isn't doing that well lately. Look how well Trump has handled the coronavirus threat to the US. He was like a deer in the headlights instead of the leader we need. Trump will lose in November and his gullible supporter's worlds are going to crash to the ground.


Too bad they won't admit to the millions of Americans who are taking on one or two part time jobs in addition to their full time jobs to make ends meet. That is why more job positions are being filled (which everyone knows) - more people are taking on additional jobs just to pay the rent.


If he's going to lose in November, then why the hell are you here on these boards bitching all the time? Just sit back until November and wait for the gravy train to come. In the meantime, why not take a holiday in Venezuela? It's Michael Moore endorsed. You like and trust him, yes? 🤪🤪🤪


If? You mean you don't trust the CNBC article, dogdump? That is what they reported, dogdump. You do know that CNBC is affiliated with MSNBC which are both owned and operated by NBC News, yes? You do know that NBC News has a leftist agenda, yes? And you still don't believe it? You're going to question it because it doesn't fit you narrative, yes?

Look at your chepooka articles. It doesn't refute the facts. You're just bitter wretched vermin that can't accept the facts.

So tell me. If one works at McDonalds, should that job have a living wage? Why? If a high school kid get's a job at Hot Dog on a Stick, should he/she be paid a living wage? What about if that worker is an adult? What about a guy that works at a car wash? Should that pay a living wage? What is a living wage?

Minimum wage doesn't cover rent? What kind of jobs pay minimum wage, pray tell? Jobs that require a very low amount of training and intelligence, yes? Like working at McDonald's, yes? Is flipping burgers a career job? Was it intended to be a career job? Does McDonald's expect you to stay for 40 years and be a burger flipper?

What you idiots don't understand about minimum wage and rent control is that it hurts the poor and the minorities. If you force a business to pay a certain amount and you have a bunch of applicants, who is the the owner going to choose? Probably the one that speaks the best English. Now if a worker was able to say, I'll do the job for a $1/hr less, they'd get the job regardless of how good his English was.

Whatever the govt imposes, the market will adjust in kind. Even with the intention of helping the workers, it ends up screwing them over. It's basic economics, but you and your idiot pals are too indoctrinated and Ignorant to understand even that.


If? You mean you don't trust the CNBC article, dogdump?

I never said or insinuated that at all, homophobe. Try to take a comprehension class.


I’m a homophobe because you gloated over a republican congressman coming out.

Not only are you a sick wretched person, but you’re an Ignorant sick wretched person.

You said If. As “if” the information was at question. Why do I have to explain this chepooka for you? Why don’t you talk to robocat. Apparently he’s giving grammar lesson here now. You should sign up, sick wretch.




Trump was largely right. Did you completely miss my observations in the op about how much better wage growth and job opportunities are now compared to the Obama stagnation? We're not just talking about the nominal unemployment rate, which, btw is a truer indicator now than when the decline was mostly the result of discouraged people leaving the labor force, and when what few jobs were being created were heavily going to new immigrants instead of Americans.


Alex. how much of that fraudulent toothpaste were you able to sell to your minions? The one which will kill the COVID19 virus ? You had a week in MC jail - plenty of time on your hands to do so.


Have you been sniffing glue again, doggie?


No - just the toothpaste you've been hawking, Mr. Jones. Again - welcome back! You've been in MC jail for a week - which post got you in there ? Too many to choose.


No "jail". I've been traveling and busy with other stuff for the past week, but thanks for keeping such close track. Clearly I'm still occupying that large plot rent free in your otherwise empty head.


LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Sure you were. Whatever you say.


And there's an echo. The acoustics in here are fun! 😀



The BLS provides lots of statistics as I showed, which is why more than the simplistic take you offered is warranted. But hey, again, even on that quick glance nominal metric under Trump we've been at the lowest unemployment rate in over 50 years, despite new people coming into the labor force instead of leaving it. That's not as important as some other metrics but it's worth noting.



your fuhrer

Do you not realize how insane and stupid that childish garbage makes you sound? Especially when you're trying to deflect from real issues with petty whining about the particulars of dated rhetoric from years ago, LOL?



Nope, I won when you stupidly called President Trump the "fuhrer". Godwin's Law. I don't care enough about whatever you're prattling about to look it up, though I will repeat (since I've already addressed the substance, including in my op) that the nominal unemployment rate does understate the so called "real" unemployment rate by a lot, and that was especially true during the Obama administration when for years the nominal decline was largely due to millions of discouraged workers leaving the labor force and no longer being counted. That's no longer true. Millions have been reentering the labor force and under Trump for the first time on record there are more job openings than people seeking jobs.

That's what you're trying to deflect from, but it's what I care about and what matters to the country.



LOL! No, everyone associates "fuhrer" with Hitler and it's definitely covered by Godwin's law. You lose.

But the real reason you lose is because you keep bumping this thread just to spin your wheels about irrelevant BS, ignoring the fact-based reality of the Trump era economic fundamentals I cited (aka Substance).



Still don't see any substance.

Then you're functionally blind. Even if you don't care about the nominal unemployment rate being its lowest in over 50 years (and lower than any part of the Obama presidency), you don't care about this?

Wages continue their 19 consecutive month long streak of 3% or more y/y growth each month since mid 2018, something the US hadn't seen for a long time. For perspective the entire eight year Obama presidency only saw 4 months of 3% wage growth, and those were his first four months in 2009. (BLS)

Or this:

"The U.S. had more job openings this spring than unemployed Americans.

For the first time since such record-keeping began in 2000, the number of available positions exceeded the number of job seekers, the Labor Department said Tuesday, a shift that is rippling across the economy and affecting the behavior of employers and workers."

"The tally of available jobs now outnumbers the unemployed by roughly 1 million. Openings began to outpace the unemployed last spring, for the first time in the 18 years the data has been tracked."

"The strong job market is already pushing up wages more quickly, with hourly wages rising in February at the fastest pace in nine years."

But if you just want to play rhetorical gotcha (and with an off the cuff quote Trump literally prefaced with "probably" to boot 😄, chew on this far more important claim from your idiot Obama, a lie Americans are still suffering from.

Town hall in Green Bay, Wis., June 11, 2009: "No matter how we reform health care, I intend to keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor; if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan."



You surrender? That means you lose again, LOL.

And no, as indicated earlier I'm using you as a prop to post stuff I wanted to post anyway. So thanks! 😀



Are you still here crying, loser, LOL?



Nope. You were flattened on every front. Thanks for the free bumps though. 😀



Oh wait, 20 posts. Your first ones here in this thread a few days ago. Your entire account pretty much following me around obsessively, as if seeking revenge for your past losses (and failing here too).

I see. You're just a troll's sock account. jlaws again or someone else this time?



All less than two dozen posts? Most of it's on my threads, LOL.



Ain't it though?



Orange Man is still bad no matter what great things he does for this country.


He was not given enough credit for such great things like T-rump University, or the T-rump Foundation for charities !

BTW, where are those two great endeavors now ? Do tell...


All in only 3 years, which is just amazing.
