MovieChat Forums > Politics > Remember that time that guy was indicted...

Remember that time that guy was indicted for “political bias”.

Me neither.

There is no legal code for “political bias”. It’s not something the DOJ investigates as it doesn’t even exist. “Political bias” is a subjective observation.

What does exist are the numerous laws broken and cited in the IG report. What also exists is the grand jury that the Attorney General has convened and the inevitable indictments they’ll be handing down to those who attempted the failed coup attempt via the Russia collusion hoax.

Can’t wait.



Member when Obama forced Obamacare on everyone? If you like your doctor you get to keep your doctor. I am still trying to figure out how the government pays for this program.


All Obamacare did was increase the amount of customers paying into private insurance. If you're wondering how the government pays for it, it's because you're one of the stupid ones who bought into the Fox News sales pitch that Obamacare is socialism. Obamacare didn't even offer a public option. Of course it didn't. It was cooked up in a right-wing think tank, put on the shelf, and then dusted off by Mitt Romney. But then Obama attached his name to it so it must be socialism, right?

Either way, Obama campaigned on healthcare reform and won in a real landslide. Dems had both houses of congress and they passed the ACA. If Obamacare was forced on us, then so were Trump's tax cuts.
