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Down goes Duncan! From "WITCH HUNT!" to "GUILTY"

T-rump's early-on sycophant Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter of California, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to misuse campaign funds and now awaits sentencing, after months of crying he was a victim of a 'political witch hunt'.

Prosecutors charged Duncan and his wife with 60 criminal counts including: spending more than $250,000 in campaign funds for golf outings, plane tickets, a family vacation to Italy, video games, groceries, bedding and airline tickets for their pet rabbit. Yep - their pet rabbit, who apparently traveled to Italy with them.

Duncan, who was one of the first outspoken supporters of T-rump in February, 2016 , also spent quite a bit of campaign money in his extramarital affairs with lobbyists and congressional aides.

Duncan could face up to five years in jail, but is expected to have a more lenient 14 months. His wife Margaret, who pleaded guilty earlier this year, is also facing possible jail time.

After he left the court, he said he will be resigning from his position in Congress which he was first elected to in 2008.


First, where's the link? Oh, that's right. Not slanted enough. Understood.🤪

Second, Yes, get rid of the corrupt guy. I want Darrell Issa to replace his seat anyway!🤪🤪

Third, tee-heeing like a fairy after finding out?🤪🤪🤪


1. Ask your special ed teacher for help on your homework. Oh, that's right - you weren't progressing so you quit.

2. No one cares what you want.

3. I think his mistresses were tee-heeing.


1. I'm flattered at your continued interest in my personal life. Then again, I am fascinating, yes?🤪

2. Darrell Issa is running for the seat. That's an upgrade. He'll win! 🤪🤪

3. Comparing it to your tee-hees I'd say he got his money's worth! 🤪🤪🤪


1. If you're flattered by my concern of you failing special ed, then it takes very little to flatter you, so knock yourself out. Consider it my contribution to you for 'giving Tuesday' (which Republicans hate!).

2. Who cares?

2. Who cares?


1. Your concern is flattering. Simple as that.🤪

2. I care. It's an upgrade. 🤪🤪

3. You care. You're just lying to yourself. What else is new? 🤪🤪🤪


Not surprising he's such a hardcore Trumpster.

Birds of a feather and all that.


T-rump should learn from him. This is a teachable moment.


Don't you mean Major Duncan Hunter of the Marine Corps who fought in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and who looks like he could still destroy the pudgy Never Trumper Lieutenant Colonel Vindman in any type of PT contest? We wouldn't want to make the aforementioned Lieutenant Colonel Vindman cry by omitting Major Hunter's rank, and I know how deeply and sincerely Democrats like you cherish and support the US military anyway.


From what I've seen, he goes by the title 'Congressman', so I respect his wishes. Too bad republicans - who have shown their true colors towards the military in the past three years under T-rump - didn't respect Lieutenant Colonel Vindman's wishes that way.


Actually you've mostly just called him "Duncan" (including in your thread title), "sycophant", and other disrespectful names, taking overt glee in the possible downfall of a combat veteran who volunteered for multiple tours, as you and your comrades did against General Michael Flynn, who served the country with distinction for decades across multiple wars.

republicans...who have shown their true colors towards the military in the past three years under T-rump

You mean by increasing defense spending to fix a military that had grown overstretched and dilapidated under Obama, rolling back insanely restrictive rules of engagement which has unleashed the military to accomplish objectives faster with less loss of life, trying to reduce excessive stress with targeted withdrawals and operational scale backs in a long term bid to reprioritize defending the US homeland over borders on the other side of the world, and dramatically reforming the VA with laws making it easier to fire incompetent staff and giving veterans paid private sector choice? As opposed to leftists mostly opposing those things and frankly continuing to wage their several decade long war against the US military? Yes, we have seen that.


If you knew how to read past sycophant, you will see the next words were: 'Republican Congressman', cupcake.

As usual, another swing and a miss.


Guess you missed me say "mostly" and "thread title", cupcake.

Doggiedaddy swings and misses, as always.


Say what you will about Vindman, he didn't pretend to have bone spurs to get out of defending his country.


At least Trump attended a military prep school, which gave him a little knowledge and is more than his predecessor ever did. Obama couldn't even be bothered to learn how to pronounce "corpsman" before giving a speech invoking it numerous times that embarrassed everyone present but his oblivious self.


A prep school? Did you really just type that? He was told to go to war and he cheated to get out of it. Obama was never even asked as there was no military conflict when he graduated.

But... black president bad.


Oh I'm sure you were real broken up over Bill Clinton dodging the draft and writing that letter about how much he "loath(ed)" the military. A Democrat president hasn't served in the military since the 1970s, while every Republican had since Eisenhower until now.

There were certainly ongoing military operations when Obama took over, his purely political attempt to declare the War on Terror "over" notwithstanding (the enemy gets a vote), and yet he never took the time to learn military basics or frankly exhibit concern over US troops' lives. His Afghan "surge", another purely political move enacted only because he had campaigned on Afghanistan being the "good" war so he could still posture as tough while attacking Bush's "bad" war in Iraq, announced alongside future withdrawal dates which sabotaged the operation from the beginning, became one of the bloodiest PR stunts in history.

So for that and Obama being responsible for the other stuff I listed higher in this thread, the messes Trump has been cleaning up, yeah. His predecessor was "bad". Nothing to do with his skin color, you desperate racial bigot. That's relevant because Trump represents a big improvement on military affairs.


Wow one less white guy.We all know now that RBG will be replaced by a minority female.


HARRISBURG — State Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell, a West Philadelphia Democrat, said Wednesday that she would resign after prosecutors charged her with stealing more than $500,000 from her own nonprofit and spending it on family vacations, designer clothing, furs, personal bills — and her bid for the legislature.


Yet you have no problem with Trump wasting over $110 million playing golf almost every weekend or his stealing millions of dollars from funds that would have benifited military families to pay for Trump's useless and mostly nonexistent border wall.


Waste and theft are two different things. One of them is illegal. Do you want to guess which one? You do know there is a difference, yes? Stupid much? 🤪🤪🤪


She did it wrong - completely wrong. She should have never said she would resign so quickly, when she's only been charged so far. Yet, that's an honest Democrat.

In hindsight, she should have reacted the Republican way:

1. Call the charges 'fake news'.
2. Claim she's part of a 'witch hunt'.
3. Deny! Deny! Deny! Say she has never bought furs, personal belongings, or been on family vacations (no matter the proof or evidence) with the money. Go back to step 1 - call the charges fake news!

Repeat on a daily basis and drag this out to eternity. Continue to hold office while doing so.


That's an honest Democrat. One that stole $500K. With you're own words, you continue to prove your own idiocy.🤪🤪🤪


Yup, once charged she did the tight thing. A foreign concept to republicans, I know. As I said earlier, here is what she should have done - taken right from the republican playbook:

1. Call the charges 'fake news'.
2. Claim she's part of a 'witch hunt'.
3. Deny! Deny! Deny! Say she has never bought furs, personal belongings, or been on family vacations (no matter the proof or evidence) with the money. Go back to step 1 - call the charges fake news!


So the "honest" Democrat is honest ONLY AFTER getting charged with a crime. Really, you should shut up now, because you're just making yourself look even more of a witless dunce than you already are.🥴🥴🥴


The honest republican is never honest at all.


You called her an honest democrat, dunce dogdump, even knowing she was charged with a crime of embezzlement. Don't deflect the subject away from your own idiocy. Again, not too smart are you, dogdump dunce?🤣😆🤣😆


Don't all politicians assume their position and take their oath under the cloak of honesty?

Or do you believe all politicians take their oath of Office under dishonesty and false pretenses?

Do you believe T-rump is honest?


You're really desperate now to change the subject. 🤪🤪🤪

Again, the point is is that you called her an honest Democrat AFTER she was charged with embezzling $500K. That is the epitome of stupidity! Then again, it is you.🤪🤪🤪

If these are honest Democrats, then I guess they're all corrupt per you. Stupid much?🤪🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🥴🥴


No, I'm sticking with the subject. We're talking about honesty in politicians.
You're dodging the question, as usual:

Do you believe T-rump is honest?

That's a yes or no. Even a special-ed kid like you can answer it.


You're just being pigheaded like a bratty child ready to throw a tantrum.

Still, I'll humor you.

Trump is more honest than the person you just labeled an honest democrat. Because of that, he's more honest than you. You're such a phony. A shameless despicable phony to be exact. 🤪🤪🤪



Once again, you prove you can't be taken seriously - you're just here to troll.


Insecure much? So desperate to change the subject that you think an honest democrat is one that is charged with embezzlement. Pathetic.🤪🤪🤪
