MovieChat Forums > Politics > Whistle blown on CNN

I can’t believe anyone would use The Federalist or Fox News as their source!



Denounce antifa.


People actually listen to Faux News? HAHA!!!


...And The Federalist !


The source is direct video recordings by a CNN employee of the CNN president and other CNN employees, and you're trying to deflect by making it about Fox News, you buffoon? LOL!


Alt right media as sources. And only you would back it up. Figures.


Now CNN is "alt right", lol? At least you're an entertaining clown, doggiedaddy.


Here's more:

Of course Fox was one of the many sources I used. I was looking for coverage by MSNBC, CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc., but they're strangely silent. NO ONE is claiming it's fake news.


Ahhh, another 'trusted source' by childishone...KUSI, owned by conservative media giant McKinnon Broadcasting. KUSI has the reputation as being nothing but a mouthpiece of the San Diego Republican Party and as San Diego County’s own Fox News.

Then there's the Twitter feed by conservative mouthpiece James O'Keefe III. Another fair and balanced source by childishone.

Real Clear Politics is a right leaning media source which favors conservative issues in their reporting.

And then you top it off with Washington Times, the known conservative right-wing news source.

Who's your next resource? OAN?


Denounce antifa.


What does denouncing antifa have to do with 'whistle blown on CNN' ?

Do tell...


I have no interest in interacting with anyone who supports terrorism. You support them, thus your views are from the kook fringe and do not reflect those of decent people.


So it has nothing to do with CNN.

And why do you say I support terrorism and Antifa? What proof do you have?


You refuse to denounce them not to mention, you're the type that does support. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a member.


I have no interest in interacting with anyone who supports terrorism.

Yet, you proudly support T-rump,who believes neo-Nazis are 'very fine people'. So you're a hypocrite. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a member of the KKK and neo-Nazis.

So not denouncing antifa makes me support them? Where's the logic in that? And what 'type' does support them?

This is becoming more and more interesting - I love when a T-rumptard shares their 'logic'. Do tell...


You are so lost and confused, not to mention an abject liar. T-rump never said neo nazis are fine people at all. Liar. You previously tried your imbecilic tactic of saying I support neo nazis or KKK and I categorically denounced everything they stand for then, just as I do now. You on the other hand will not let everyone on here how you stand.


Just a disgruntled employee.

The stories on the rife with corruption Trump administration stand on their merits.


Hahahaha! Did you read the gibberish you wrote?


Distractions like this nonsense about CNN don't take away from the fact that there is a criminal investigation by the SDNY into Rudy and people in this administration are starting to take the congressional subpoenas seriously. Trump is fucked.


At least now their insane reporting makes sense. I always knew the fish rotted from the head down. It's all about a personal feud the dickless owner has with Trump. He doesn't even care about broadcasting real news anymore, it's just "impeachment, impeachment, impeachment" ad nausea. Even the reporters working in the studios are getting tired of the agenda. Too bad the sorry ass fool doesn't know that only people with IQ's lower than 40 actually watch their crap. Most people have tuned out due to the BS.

It's about time we got the real scoop on what caused these formerly respected institutions into State TV for the Democraps.


CNN whistleblower: “He (Zucker) was calling Fox News “fake news” and a “propaganda machine”, and with what I saw I was like that’s pretty much what CNN was. It’s just pumping out propaganda.“

CNN’s Media Coordinator being secretly recorded: "Jeff Zucker, basically the president of CNN has a personal vendetta against Trump. It’s not going to be positive for Trump. He hates him. He’s going to be negative."

Jeff Zucker, CNN President: "So, I just wanna say on the Lindsey Graham front. I know that there’s a lot of people at CNN that are friendly with Lindsey Graham. Time to knock that off. And it’s time to call him out."

Zucker: "I don’t care about the MSNBC event, okay? I don’t care about them. Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment."

Zucke: "We’re moving towards impeachment. I mean, don’t like, you know..We shouldn’t pretend, oh, this is going one way. And so all these are moves towards IMPEACHMENT."

A window into how the sausage is made at the epicenter of fake news.
