MovieChat Forums > Politics > Leaked tapes of NY Times closed door tow...

Leaked tapes of NY Times closed door town hall confirms communist Democrat bias and fake news.

For decades The NY Times has been the Bible to the rest of the Democrat media, dictating which stories would be covered, and how they’d be covered. Those who are educated and informed have known this for well over half a century.

Now an employee of the Times has leaked tapes of a closed door meeting of NY Times executives and their 1619 agenda. Just another fake news Democrat revisionist history narrative like we’ve seen countless times before.

The communist Democrat media is dead. The vast majority of the country knows it. They no longer have the power to sway the educated and informed. Only the most ignorant Democrat lemmings still follow the Democrat media ABCNNBBCBS lead by The NY Times trash.



"but but but but but trump is racist! and the russians!"


It must be tiring for you to search the internet each day for some little negative tidbit from obscure right-wing websites in your attempt at making everyone who is not a Trump supporter look bad. I guess you do this to try and distract people from the orange clown's nonsense. If Trump really was doing a good job then you would be talking about him instead.


It’s actually pretty easy. The communist democrat media confirms its agenda on a daily basis.

If you’re interested in educating yourself google NY Times leak. Of course it won’t be covered by the communist Democrat media. ABCNNBBCBS Take their instructions from The NY Times.

Unfortunately for the ignorant left like yourself. Hidden videos don’t lie. Be it the The NY Times communist agenda being exposed, Googles leftwing communist censorship agenda being exposed, or Planned parenthood aborting babies for profits being exposed. Left-wingers always give away their political views. It’s their religion.

As for the job Trump is doing the booming economic and foreign policy successes are cited continuously. Record number of stock market records. Economic growth dwarfing 8 years of Obama. Apparently your reading skills are as worthless as your political knowledge.


you don't see any irony in that statement do you!? the new democrat party has no ideas, just "everythings racist"
