MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump:Right or wrong

Trump:Right or wrong

Two questions

1. In your opinion do you think Trump was right to bomb the Syria airport?

2. In your opinion do you think Trump was right to drop the big bomb on Afghanistan caves and tunnels?


Only one bomb?

Give em about 59 more of those.

Let the birds fly.


>>>> Only one bomb?<<<<

When it is the US LARGEST non-nuclear bomb that is all you need. One.


One measly bomb. What a gyp.

I love the fact that Trump doesn't announce anything either, he just does it. - just like he said he would do.

No sense building all those wonderful bombs unless you're gonna rain em down on Muzziestan.


Exactly ! This is one point he hammered home again and again, something I noticed during the previous administration. Why were we telegraphing so much to the enemy ?


>>>>Why were we telegraphing so much to the enemy ?<<<<

Because Obama did not have a clue.


Yeah, I know; the fuzzy warm foreign policy with the JV team.


That whole 'humanitarian war' crap was ridiculous.

Attention muzzies! We will be bombing today at 9am in case you want to clear out of the area!

Who thought up that stupid idea?


Why is it being referred to as The Mother Of All Bombs when we actually have a larger version of it ?


We do?


According to one of the pundits who was being interviewed yesterday as it was becoming breaking news. They were discussing the bomb's specs. There's a more technical designation for it besides MOAB. I might try to research it.


I can't imagine something bigger unless it was a nuke. The MOAB looks like a redwood tree.


GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast. This is how the pundit had referred to it and it acquired its nickname from the acronym, MOAB. This thing was designed 15 years ago so it's conceivable something larger has been developed since then and as is often the case with nicknames, it just stuck although it might no longer be applicable.



Then how come Bush or Obama were never impeached?



I assume the bombing of Syria was ok since no one in congress seemed to oppose it. We are already fighting a proxy war there so dropping a few bombs won't hurt anything.


Yeah, it was ok since there was no actual declaration of war; it was a punitive measure, like the increased sanctions being considered.
And just maybe we've been engaged in a proxy war as you suggest.
What matters is, we no longer have a jellyfish in the White House.


>>>> What matters is, we no longer have a jellyfish in the White House.<<<<

You sure got that right.
